An overwhelmingly significant portion of the Egyptology community rests upon the idea that the Sphinx in Egypt was built by Egyptian Pharaoh Khafre during his reign (2520-2494 BCE).
However, many scientific pieces of evidence point Sphinx to be much older than 4500 years reaching close to 10,000 BCE. Professor Robert M. Schoch, who earned his Ph.D. in geology and geophysics from Yale, concluded for the Sphinx to have been built between 7000 BCE to 5000 BCE by correlating the nature of the weathering with the climate history of the area, calculating the amount of rock eroded on the surface and estimating how long this may have taken, calibrating the depth of subsurface weathering around and be- low the Sphinx, and on the view of both the surface and subsurface seismic data.
However, this perceptive would upset our understanding of ancient civilization” Page (1999) writes, and upsetting the rigid claim that there is “no evidence of an Egyptian civilization being that old”, despite the presence of scientific evidence, would disturb the status quo in the academia.
Of course, there are other ways we can determine that the Sphinx could not have been built 4500 years ago and such a premature age of the Sphinx complicates and distorts other relevant data that we have about Egypt, Sumer, and the Armenian highlands.
Many scholars, including Dr. Schoch, have examined Portasar (Göbekli Tepe) and how the most ancient temple ever discovered is revolutionizing the way we look at human civilization and how it makes more sense in pushing the human civilization further back in time and equally important, I consider, placing secondary importance on the previously hypothesized but thinly supported and misunderstood Fertile Crescent tradition.
Another aspect that is important to consider is the correlation between the age of the Sphinx and Portasar Temple, which are both dated around the same period.
When considering that the Sphinx may have been a figure of a lion and seeing the rise of the sun in the Leo Constellation, we can see the heavily symbolic nature of the lion-sun duality strictly depicted on Armenian caves and rocks in petroglyph form.
Excerpt from Language as a Fingerprint (2014)
- Sources:
- 105 Schoch, R. M. (2012). Forgotten Civilization. Inner Traditions.
- 106 Hancock, G., & Bauval, R. (1996). The Message of the Sphinx. Three Rivers Press. New York, NY.
- 107 Hancock, G. (1995). Fingerprints of the Gods.Three Rivers Press. New York, NY.
- 108 Schoch, R.M.(1992). How old is the Sphinx? Abstracts for the 1992 Annual Meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Chicago, February 1992, 202.
- 109 Schoch, R.M. (1992).
- Redating the Great Sphinx of Giza. KMT, A Modern Journal of Ancient Egypt 3, no. 2: 52-59, 66-70.
- 110 Schoch, R. M., with Robert Aquinas McNally. (2003).Voyages of the Pyramid Builders: The True Origins of the Pyramids from Lost Egypt to Ancient America. Tarcher/Penguin. New York, NY.
- 111 Schoch, R. M., & West, J. A. (2000). Further Evidence Supporting a Pre-2500 B.C. Date for the Great Sphinx of Giza, Egypt (abstracts with programs.). Geological Society of America 32, no. 7: A276.