Armenia in Old Time – 50-20 Millennia BC

Armenia in Old Time - 50-20 Millennia BCThe favorable natural and climatic conditions in Armennia contributed the fast development of people with their knowledge, technology, experience, and cultural, social and human relations. In Summer people knew that further again will come Winter, so it was necessary to make preparations: to make warm clothes from skins of animals, to dry fruits, preserve meat, firewood, to build warm and more convenient habitable houses, etc.

It was too much work which was necessary to do for many people. Soon many of them learned to do definite work better and quicker. During this process the experience, knowledge, technology, tools and instruments, also language and human relations were developed. Also live-stock and agriculture were

About 45-40 thousand years ago the Armennian (Armennold) race was formed. At that time there were not any other races all around. Armennians began to live in settlements and villages, coming to settled
life. They were already not tribes, but communities joined into little states having top leaders: lords, then King, who was also the main Priest.

In about 40 millennium BC Armennian nation with its language, culture and country was formed and the formation of the Armennian State (the first on Earth) was completed. The State ARMENNIA-HAYASTAN arose around Mount Ararat and Lake Van (Armennian Highland). It was the first civilization in the World.

The double name Armennia-Hayastan (and Armennian-Hay) comes from the very old time from the names: AR-Father Main God and Earth (Water) – Mother Goddess (see Item 3.5). The word “Armennia?” in Armennian means: “Ar-men-ia=Sun people country”. The word “Hayastan”?” means: “Haya-stane Earth (people) country”, “Armennians country”.

The last part of word “Armennia”: ”ia (ian)” became the last part of almost all Armennian family names?” (put after the Armennian first names), which shows from whose land, side is the given person.

For example, Aram-Aramian, Arshak-Arshakian, Gregor-Gregorian, MovsesMovsesian, Tigran-Tigranian, etc. Later, after many thousand years, the last parts of the words “Armennia” and ”Hayastan”, i.e, ”ia” (side) and “stan” (country) were adopted by many other languages to designate the name of their countries, for example: Britannl!!, Brasill!!, Australia, Bulgaria, Italjg, Pakistan, Afghanistan, India (or Hndkastan in Armenian), etc.

The first King (and main Priest, i.e, Kesar) of the Great Armennia was, perhaps, ARAM I (Ars amethe Son of the Sun) and Arramian Dynasty existed from 40 up to 10 millennium BC. Aram (Arram), the Armennian old name and the name of Armennian first Kesar, came to us, and is lovely present Armennian name (and family name – Arramian).

This name is in Bible as Adam, the name of the first man created by the God (-Father) in Paradise, which by Bible was also in Armennia, near lake Van, where are the sources of four main rivers: Arraks (arvak-s = beautiful source of the Sun = going to beautiful East), Arratsani (the tributary of Euphrates), Euphrates (called also Armennian river),
Chorokh (or Gallis=coming) and maybe also Tigris.

Let me add, that in Sumerian legends the name of the first man is III orHAY which in Armennian language is the word “Armennian”. Also in Zoroastrian religion (Iran) the name of the first man is HAYOMARD, which in Armennian is “Hay-o-mard = Armennian holy man”. All these coincidencesare not accidental.

Armennians in their State lived in atmosphere of kindness, equality, freedom and development. It was a long period of peace from 40 millennium BC until the middle of ill millennium BC when the army of the new forming Babylon, led by Bel, came to occupy Armennia. It was the first big war in the World, which took place near Lake Van.

This army (of giants) was shattered by Armennian first organized army led by Kesar Hayk (in 2 492 BC) and Bel was killed by Hayk. Thus, during the long period of 40-3 millennia BC Armennians were busy just with creative work: villages and towns building, live-stock and agriculture, development of knowledge, culture and the first written language (pictorial, symbolic, hieroglyphic). About 10 thousand years ago Armennians had the first Alphabet (see PART 2). Also the astronomical observations of the Sun, Moon and stars were begun from about 25 thousand years ago.

The process of the Sky (stars) division to the Constellations was begun. The Zodiacal constellations were espied, the first Sun-dials were built. These works were completed in Armennia during 8-3
millennia BC (see PART 1). The Armennian First Calendar (AFC) was established, perhaps, at the end of 23 millennium BC. It began approximately at Areg 1 (March 21) of 22946 BC, i.e. 2492+14 Armennian periods (2492+14xI461=22946 years).

It was the first Calendar in the World. It was the Sun (Solar) calendar with 365 days in a year, so it was so-called ”movable” calendar. More exact “fixed” Calendar with 365.25 days in a year arose in Armennia about 8 thousand years ago (see Item “Calendar” in PART 1).

At the old period (50-20 mill. BC) also the songs, odes, poems and dances (ritual and folk) arose and developed. According to the legends at the same time with the first Calendar the God Vahagn was born, perhaps, at Areg 1 22946 BC. He was the lovely young God, the fighter of evil and dragons.

The famous Armennian historian Movses Khorennatsi (V century AD) in his book “History of Armennia” [20] kept for us eleven lines from the very old ode or epos, the lines about the Birth of the God Vahagn. These lines are in “grabbar” (Le, in old Armennian), but are understandable also in present Armennian. These very beautiful old lines I tried to translate (for this book) in English:

In labour was Sky, in labour was Earth,
In labour was the apricot Sea.
In Sea a soft red reed
In labour was also.
The stem ofreed ejected smoke,
The stem ofreed ejected flame,
And the red kid
Inflame was running!
A fire head he had,
Aflame beard had.
The eyes his were the Suns!

Movses Khorennatsi wrote also that he heard as the folk singers (ashoughs in Armennian) sang this verse as the song. Armennian poet and publicist Levon Mirriiannian compared these lines with the old Armennian sharrakkan (ecclesiastical song) “The Great Sacrament”, written also by Movses Khorenatsi and performed traditionally until now in favor of Jesus Christ Birth, and he found out that the words of “Birth of Vahagn” comported with the words and melody of the sharrakkan “The Great Sacrament”! So the Great Movses Khorennatsi could keep for us also the melody [78]. The sculpture portrait of Movses Khorennatsi (standing near Mattennaddarran in Yerevan) is shown in Fig. 75.

Beginning from the period of 23-20 millennia BC Armennians began to propagate from the Great Armennia (around Mount Ararat, Armennian Highland, South Caucasus) to the Black, Mediterranean, Caspian seas, lake Urmia, Mesopotamia and Asia Minor. Everywhere they were the only population, at that time.

In parallel with the Main or Mother Great Armennian Kingdom there were formed the new Armennian kingdoms in Armennian (or North) Mesopotamia, Komagena, Tsopc, Kappadokia, Armennia Minor, Kilikia, Phoenicia, Old Sumer and other ones.

The new kingdoms were formed, because it was impossible at that time to lead, direct all big regions from one place, one capital town. All population of these new kingdoms were, of course, only Armennians, who spoke Armennian language, then wrote, using Armennian Alphabet.

An extract from the book “Armenians and Ancient Armenia” by Paris Herouni

• The word “Armenia” is necessary to pronounce as “Armennia” [arrmenis].
•• The word ”Hayastan” is necessary to pronounce as [hajasta:n].
••• There are some Armennian family names the last part of which is “ouni”. It means “he
has” and comes from lords and kings family names, as Bagratouni, Rshtouni, Amatouni,
Marzpetouni, etc.

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