Ancient Armenian calendar. The material is selected from different sources, so I hope I didn’t make any mistakes. If anything is wrong, please correct me.
So: In pagan times, Armenians named the days of the week after the Sun, Moon, and the then-known five planets.
- Sunday – Aregaki
- Monday – Lusni
- Tuesday – Grati
- Wednesday – Paylatsu’i
- Thursday – Lusntag’i
- Friday – Arus’yaki
- Saturday – Erevaki
As for the months, Armenians had thirteen of them. 12 months with 30 days each and the 13th month, which could have 5 or 6 days depending on whether it was a leap year or not.
- Navasard – 30 days
- Gorr – 30 days
- Sam – 30 days
- Tre – 30 days
- Kagots – 30 days
- Aryats – 30 days
- Megheki – 30 days
- Aregi – 30 days
- Ageki – 30 days
- Mareri – 30 days
- Margats – 30 days
- Grotits – 30 days
- Havelyats – 5(6) days
Interestingly, in the ancient Armenian calendar, not only the months, but also the days of the month had their names. Each day was named after one of the gods of the Armenian pantheon.
- Areg
- Grand
- Aram
- Margar
- Aghrank
- Madegh
- Astghik
- Mihr
- Dzopaber
- Murts
- Erezkan
- Ani
- Parkhar
- Vanat
- Aramazd
- Mani
- Asak
- Masis
- Anahit
- Aragats
- Grgor
- Korduik
- Tsmak
- Lusnak
- Tsron
- Npat
- Vahagn
- Sein
- Varag
- Gisheravar
The 24 hours of the day also had their own names
- Khavarakan
- Agdjamugdzhn
- Mtats’yaln
- Shaguvotn
- Kamavotn
- Bavakann
- Gavtap’yaln
- Gizkan
- Lusachemn
- Lusapayln
- Paylatsumn
- Aygn
- Tsaygn
- Zoryats’yaln
- Charagaytyaln
- Sharavig’yaln
- Erkratesn
- Shantakaln
- Grakatn
- Gurtap’yaln
- Tagant’yaln
- Arpogn
Author: Alexander Bakulin
Translated by Vigen Avetisyan