“Steed – he is powerful and beautiful”. It is not well known that inside language much information about old times is saved. This is right especially for the Armenian language which is very old and is the first language, “The God’s” language. So, the careful analysis of Armenian language can give many marvellous and unexpected results, which I shall show you here.
Very Old Time
The early Paleolithic culture (500/300-50 millennia ago), many camps and inhabited caves with firesides, stone tools and crockery were found during excavations in Armenia (present and Historical lands) [34,68,93]. The people, such as Azokhians and Cromagnonians living in Paleolithic time in Armenia were the ancestors of Armenians.
Armenian nation began to form with emersion of Homo Sapiens in Armenia about 50-45 millennia ago. The beginning of Armenian language has the same age. If you think that Homo Sapiens had no language, could not speak, you are mistaken.
He was clever and emotional as we are. And I am sure, after just a few generations they had enough good language, in contrast to animals which can utter just some separate sounds. Let us imagine the first man, when his conscious was just awaken.
He saw and felt all Nature around: the Sun, the Moon, stars, rainbow, mounts, woods, water, air etc. He wanted to exercise his ability, to tell about his feelings to others. He was a particle of Nature, felt all positive and negative forces.
The main source of creational forces was the Sun, giving light, warmth and life. He loved the Sun (AR in Armenian), respected and adored Him. The Sun was his kind God, his Father, and he was His child, he was Aryan (“Ar·yan” in Armenian means: “From the Sun land”, “Sun people”).
First Armenians determined four main Elements of Nature. They named them by simple first words. And these words came to the present Armenian almost without changes (Table E). Later the concept of these four Elements were transferred to all other countries and nations.
Armenian language intensively developed and, of course, from the very beginning there were many very important words beginning with “ar”: Up (Sun), uqnlunn (root), urpjmfi (blood), wJP (man), uiprpnp (righteous), wpm (pasture), wpnp (plough), umuiqunnn (sail), WPWPP! (creator), wpwhbm (way), wpqwfitl (womb), uipqtnnn (art), wpwqpt (stork), wpf’l {noble}, wpf’lwgf’l (aryan, ”born in Sun land”), etc.
Even in old times Armenian language was rich and included words having deep scientific, philosophical and spiritual meanings. Just two examples: “Star” – “concentration of space (substance)”, “God” – “spreaded in all Universe”, “Omnipresent”. The first Armenian written language (pictures, symbols, hieroglyphs) arose in Armenia about 25000 years ago, was in use during many millennia.
Even now they are present on old monuments [32, 39, 48, 49, 50]. There are many very old petroglyphs on hundred kilometers of rocks in Armenia. One of them is a vertical stick with the point on the top (I). It was ”man”, ”me”, “I”, “one”. This sign with a point a little upper of the stick (i) is saved in European languages. English pronunciation is “ai”.
If to add the half-sound “h”, it will be “hai” which in Armenian is “Armenian”. English “I am” in Armenian is the same bu bl1 =”Yes (I) am”. Also English ”who come” in Armenian Artsakh dialect is the same ~nL 9Jwl1b = who come.
Later the symbol for ”man, I, one” was developed to these:
which are the praying men. And three symbols of AR (Sun God) arose: Lion, Eagle and Aris (Aries), all three begin in Armenian with letters “ar”. From that time “three” came to us as a sacred figure and sign “w” became the first letter of Armenian Alphabet (letter “a”). It seems to me, that at first there were two symbols:
Lion and Eagle, but during (after) Great Deluge the Aris was added, because this beautiful big animal stood immovable on the top of rocks and was not afraid of lightning. Aris became also the name (and sign) of the first Zodiacal constellation and the form of its horns became in Armenia the spiral ornament and the sign of Life, Sun and Eternity (Fig. 47 a, b, c).
Armenian language confirms that Armenians in Armnnia lived and live during all times. This comes also from the fact that very many geographical names, names of men and women begin with letters “ar”. For example: geographical names:
Armenia (Ar • men. ia – “Sun people (Aryan) country”), Ararat (Ar • ar • at – “extra created” or “God’s life place”), Aragats, Areguni (mounts), Aracs, Aratsani, Arpha (rivers), Artsakh, Aragatsotn, Armorika (lands), Arabkir, Armavir, Artashat (towns), etc, male names:
Annan (Ar.man- ”Sun man”, “AIyan”),Annen, Annenak, Arsbak, Ara (Arayik), Arsen,Artashes,Artavazd, Areg, Artin,Am, Artak, Arsham, ete, female names: Arev (Arevik), Aros (AnNak), Aracs, ArshaIuys, Arpi (Arpiar), Arminne”,Armenouhi, Aregnaz, etc.
According to anthropological data Armennian names (and family names) were not changed at least during last 9 thousand years [51]. The first (preliminary) Armennian Alphabet including 19 letters arose about 15-12 thousand years ago (see below).
The Developed Alphabet with 34 letters existed in VI millennium BC. It was all-Armenian Alphabet, used also in Kilikian, Phoenician and other Armenian Kingdoms (see below). This Alphabet served as the base for all world Alphabets (see below, Tables 5, 9, 18).
Thus the basis of Indo-European family of languages began about 7000 years ago. It was Armennian language and Armenian Alphabet. The Moscow linguists T.Gamkrelidze and V.Ivanov write that the supposed cradle of Indo-Europeans and Indo-European languages was located in Historical Armenia, from where they propagated to different directions (Fig. 48) [52].
The same opinion (particularly about consanguinity of Armenians and Celts) is given also by European scientists, for example, by D.Lang in his book “Armenia, Cradle of Civilization” [53].
An extract from the book “Armenians and Ancient Armenia” by Paris Heoruni.