The adoration of the Great and Aryan Sun-Father Main God AR arose in Armenia about 50 thousand years ago. Besides AR and Haya Armenians had alsoother old Gods.
ANNAHIT Goddess, the Daughter of AR. She was very respected and loved in Armenia, “The Goddess of Maternity”, she was named also the “Golden Mother” and “Golden Birth”.
Her main Temples were in Yekeghiats region of High Armenia, in Yerizavvan (now Yerznka), in Ashtishat of Tarron (to the West of lake Van)· where was “Ilfhnhjnn]; Ilpnn = the Throne of Anahit”, also in Artashat, Bagarran, Armavir and other places.
Her Head, the part of Her smashed sculpture, kept in British Museum, is shown in Fig. 65.
NAR or NANNE Goddess, the daughter of AR, the Goddess of wisdom. “Nar” in Armenian means “Leading, Leader”. “Nanne (Nanni)” means: “Mother, Grand Mother”, also “Feeding, Feeder”. Her Temple was in town Thil of Darrannaghiats region.
VAHAGN, the Young and Hardy Vahagn (J!w2fi ~whwqO), the Fighter of dragons and evil. He was very lovely Armenian God of Courage, Power, Heroism, Lightning and Battle (later).
The supposing date of His “birth” is 22 946 BC Areg 1 (March 21), when the first Armenian Calendar (Solar) was begun (see PART 1, Item ‘J1.17). The painting of the moment of His birth in Fig. 66 is shown (see also page 15,1).
He lived with His wife ASTHGIK in castle on the bank of Lake Van. His main Temples were in Ashtishat (in Taron region), near Lake Van, in Vaspurakan and in High Armenia. The sculpture of VAHAGN in Yerevan is presented in Fig. 67. The old sculpture of His Head (made, perhaps, before the Great Deluge, see Item 3.19) is shown in Fig. 64 (the younger God).
ASTGHIK Goddess (UulJ1l1l1q) (wumtlwbnthp), the Daughter of AR and Wife of VAHAGN. She was very lovely Goddess of skylight, water, love and beauty. Her name in old Armenia was given to the planet Venus, the brightest object on the Sky after the Sun and the Moon. To Her in “Vardevvar” festal day roses were presented.
“Ast” in Armenian means “Universe”, “Astgh, wuUUJ.” (the clot of space matter) means “star”, “Astghik” – “little star”. Her Temples were in Ashtishat in Taron region and on bank of Lake Van.
Her name was adopted by other nations, also proceeded to the names of their Goddesses as Astart, Ishtar, Issida, and also to the international words as “astronomy”, “star”. In Armenian the word “star” (unnnrp-astgh) came from ASTGHIK (or vice versa).
TIR God, the Writer God, the Secretary of the AR, Protector of written language, science, and art. He had ”white” and “black” big books where He fixed the good and bad actions of people. He also understood dreams.
His Temples were in Yerazzamouyn (Zvartnots) of Artashat region, in Carahunge, Kaghzvan, Aragats, Van, etc. The presence of old God TIR also tells about the existence of the written language in old Armenia.
MIHR (Mardouk) God, the Son of the AR, the God of light, flre, Protector of equity and truth. His cult arose perhaps in the beginning of ill millennium BC. His Temples were in Bagaritch of Derdjan region in Armenia Minor and in other places.
VANATOUR God with AMMANNOR festal day (the New Year), the God of fecundity, hospitality, harvest, grape, vine, gladness (joy). This festal day was celebrated in each home, at each New Year. His Temple was in Bagavvan of Bagrevand region. Armenians were also deifying some of their loved and heroic KingsPriests (Kesars). At least three Kesars: Aram, Hayk and Ara the Beautiful were deified:
ARAM (Aream = the Son of the Sun), or afterwards ARAMMAZD (=Areameazd=the first Son of the Sun), the first King (Kesar) of Armenia in about 40 millennium BC. He was ”the first man”, created by God-Father on Earth (Adam by Bible).
HAYK [ha:jk], the victor of Bel (Nemrod) who with Babylon army came to occupy Armenia (2492 BC); Babylon Tower and the Great Pyramid builder. By His name was called the Hayk constellation on Sky (now Orion). The photo of the Hayk Kesar sculpture in Yerevan, victor and powerful archer is presented in Fig. 68.
ARA GEGHETSIK (Ara the Beautiful), Kesar, Protector of Fatherland and Family, who fell in action against Assyrian army with their cruel and dissolute queen Shamiram (Semiramide), who came to occupy Armenia (11 millennium BC). The names of all Armenian old Gods are kept until now also as the first and family names of Armenian men and women.
Armenian Old Gods with their names (or distorted ones) and their functions proceeded afterwards to the God pantheons of other nations. For example, in Egypt AR (RA), Haya (Isida), Aram (Gor), Hayk (Osiris, Orion); in Palestine Vahagn (Vahhal) and Asghtik (Astart); in Iran Aram, Aramazd (Ormuzd); in Greece AR (Zeus), Anahit (Artemida), Astghik (Aphrodita), Tir (Apollo), Vahagn (Herald), etc.
Read also: Ar Father Main God and Haya-Mother Goddess
An extract from the book “Armenians and Ancient Armenia” by Paris Herouni