In about 14 millennium BC (and earlier) Armenians came to the South of Mesopotamia, and founded the Junior Aram Armenian Kingdom (or Armenian Sumer) in the place shortly called also Sumer (su-mer = sa-mer = սա մերն (է) = ”this (is) ours” in Armenian).
They followed agriculture, had many domestic animals and built towns. G. Hancoc tells very old legend, where according to Haldean historian Beros ”The tarn Gods came to the Sumer country at very old time. The name of their leader was Oannesh.
He gave to Sumerians the knowledge of literacy, science and of different arts. He taught them to build houses and temples, to form laws, explained them basics of geometrical knowledge. He taught them agriculture and humanism. His teaching was so universal that from that time it was not necessary to add something more vital” [24, pp. 7778].
I can add here that the name Oannesh is the Armenian name Hovannes, which means ”h – 0 – van- es = I am worshipper from holly Van”, from the Lake Van in Armenian Highland. The Russian archaeologists V. Batsaev and A. Varrakkin write that the excavations of Sumerian towns show that their culture was based on the high culture of other prior nation which was not Sumers and whose high culture, according to famous English archaeologist L.Voulli, existed before the Great Deluge [82, p. 19]. L. Voulli wrote about that old nation: ”It was their culture who lived before the Great Deluge••• With many other values they gave Sumers also the legend about the Great Deluge” [82, p, 19].
Who were those high-civilized people? V. Batsaev and A. Varrakkin write also: “Presumerian inhabitants of Mesopotamia could bring Sumerians from primeval condition to high civilization. It was they, who changed stone instruments to metallic ones and made luxury objects•••Today we know exactly that these people were not Sumers, and not Sumerian were the names of Sumerian towns: Ur, Erridou, Larrak, Urouk, Nippour, Kish.
These are the names from the radically other language… Not Sumerian were also the names of professions in old Sumer: farmer, carpenter, merchant.” Indeed, who were those old and high.civilized people and what language did they use? They could be only Armenians, because only Armenians at that time had necessary high level of civilization and the names of all seven Sumerian main towns have easy explanation in Armenian. Let me show this:
We can see that the Armenian explanation of Sumerian towns names is not only the literal translation but gives also the deep understanding of natural feature of Sumer country: the very sunny place, the “bread-winner” place (it is possible to have three harvests per year). In the six town-names (from seven ones) there is word AR (Sun).
We know that Armenians were the Sun worshipers and traditionally had the high agricultural technology. Let me also say that in the example of this explanation of town-names it is also obvious the systematic mistake of many scientists who read Sumerian, Urartian and other words using sound (pronunciation) “ou” instead of sound “a” (not “ay”, but as the middle sound in word “sun”).
This error gives the mistakes as “Urartu” instead of “Ararat” (Arrarrat), etc. Perhaps this comes from reading of old words (including Armenian ones) in Assyrrian language instead of Armenian. . Let us remember here again the words of great English poet lord Byron, who said: ”It is impossible to study the history of East without knowing Armenian.” Living in Armennian abbey on St. Lazar island, he learned Armenian and formed the first English-Armennian dictionary and grammar.
Armenian researcher V. Saffarian successfully read also old Sumerian pictorial texts in Armenian and he thinks that the right reading is possible only in Armenian language. The Sumerian epos, one of the oldest in the World, includes nine epic songs based on historical events of the 28-27th centuries BC. Five of them contain the name “Aratta” for the land from where the ancestors of Sumers
came. Where was Arrata?
There are opinions that it was in Iran, Afghanistan or Armenian Highland. Armenian historian A. Movsessian cogently demonstrates that Aratta means Ararat and Aratta land is Armennian Highland, its part to the SE from Lake Van, which is Harrit, the country of Harries (Horites), I, e. Armenians who at that time (the end of ill millennium BC) had, as it is known, their own (l,e, Armenian) Alphabet. Thus, before the Great Deluge (Le. before 10 millennium BC) Armenians came to the land Sumer (South Mesopotamia) in about 14 millennium BC (or earlier) and formed the New Kingdom, built towns, practiced agriculture, etc.
The new stream of Armenians came to Sumer after the Great Deluge, might be in IX-vm millennia BC, told the local tribes about Armenia, about Great Deluge, taught them culture, science, agriculture, architecture, the Sun kind religion. Above said seven towns were rebuilt on the same places on the thick (19m) coat of ooze after the Great Deluge. Afterwards these Armenians, perhaps, partially mixed with local tribes and the Sumerian-Babylonian-Armenian people were formed.
Now it is understandable why Sumers, living thousands years after the Great Deluge, could have legends about the Great Deluge. Historians G. Smith (in 1872) and A. Pebel (in 1914) demonstrated, that Sumers (and Babylonians) have had legend about Great Deluge a few millennia earlier of the Bible [82, p. 18].
An extract from the book “Armenians and Ancient Armenia” by Paris Heoruni.