Our knowledge about Troy and Trojan Kingdom comes from “Iliad” of Homer (IX-VID cent. BC) and results of excavations of German archaeologist H.Schliemann in 1870-1890 on a hill lying about 6km from the Dardanelles Channel. Excavations were continued by W.Dorpfeld and then, in 1932-1938 by American expedition led by W.Semple and C.Blegen.
Troy was a big old town surrounded by many settlements, the age of which now is under discussion (2500-1900 BC) [93, p. 144]. Trojan War was in XIII cent. BC. By the other sources Troy existed in IV millennium BC and was placed on the bank of old bay, [97, p. 25, 144, 145; 98]. The map of Troy excavations is shown in Fig. 85 [93, p. 142] and Mrs. Schliemann wearing Trojan jewellery – in Fig. 86 [93, p. 143]. Tray Tray
I am sure that this will be affirmed by the new excavations, and all old Trojan writings are necessary to read in Armenian language (as well as old Egyptian, Sumerian, Babylonian and others).
In XIll century BC when Trojan War took place, Greeks were not formed yet as one nation. Homer calls them as Acheans and Danayans. There were separate little town-states and island-states. Developing Greeks needed the trade ways, especially to the East, including Black Sea basin (West was not developed yet).
But on the routes to the East (marine and overland), on Dardanelles Channel there was the Trojan Kingdom. Dardan is the old word which in Armenian means: D- ar- d – an = way to the AR, to Him (to the God).
Homer named Troy lllion which is Armenian name (Illion Arian= Ar-i-an=the town of Sun people). To conquer the routes to the new lands, Greek little states joined at first in one army and led by Agamemnon (one of little kings), using hundreds of ships, came to conquer Troy.
To help Trojans to defend, there came troops from a number of Eastern countries. From Armenia it was the King Zayrmayr of Nairi Country (z-ayr-mayr = mother’s first son), who fell in Trojan War. In fact it was the first World war between the developing West
(Greece) and the East, which lasted ten years.
Greeks could not win but at the end did it by the cheat, for what they were punished by their own Gods. All these are known from Homer’s ”Diad”. The question is: could “Iliad” be Greek epos (or poem). Of course not, because:
1. In ”Diad”, from the very beginning, Achean-Danayan (Greece) main heroes as Achilles and Agamemnon are presented negatively. They are arguing, hufTmg, calling one another sordid, etc. In the result Achilles disowned war (during one year) and said to Agamemnon that he had nothing against Trojans, tamers of horses (i,e, against Armenians).
When Achilles killed Hector, he fastened the body to the tail of his horse and drew it over the ground. Hector’s father, the white-haired old Priam, the King of Troy, came and kneeled imploring Achilles to give him his son’s body to bury, but Achilles refused.
Homer presents many other negative moments in actions of Greeks. But Homer used other epithets for Trojan heroes, as noble Priam, noble Hekuba, etc. Is it possible to be in any national epos, that their own heroes are called “sordid”, but the opposite persons (of ten-year war enemy) called “noble”? I think, impossible.
2. The Greeks own Gods did not like Greece heroes. The main Gods, Zeus and Poseidon, are kept nonchalant. Only Athen Warrior (ugly-born from the head of Zeus with her helmet) patroned Greeks. The patron of Trojans (-Armenians) was, of course, Apollo – the Sun God.
3. When after ten-year war Greeks did not win and decided to go back, Hodiseus devised guile with big wooden horse, and Greeks became able to kill Trojans, when they were sleeping at night and to burn Troy.
For this dishonest and ignoble victory the Gods strictly castigated Greeks. On their back way home Poseidon made a powerful storm and more than half of Greek ships were sunk to bed. Agamemnon on coming back to his town saw that now the king was another man. Zeus disallowed Hodiseus to return home during 20 years, etc.
4. The names of Trojan heroes had Armenian meanings: King Priam (descendant of the God-King Dardan) – ”leader of people”; his wife Hekuba – “devoted and generous”; their son Hector – “devoted protector of homeiand”; their son Paris – ”the man from the God (AR) surround”; their daughter Kassandra – “she is child of master, devoted to his life”.
5. It is under discussion until now who and from where was Homer. The Greece philosopher Loukian (11 century AD) wrote that in his dream came Homer and on question ”from where you are and what is your real name?” he answered that he is from Eastern Babylonian countries (old Greeks almost everything on east called “Babylonian”), and his name there was Tigran [99, pp. 398, 399].
It is known that Tigran is (and was) the popular Armenian name (Tigran= ”the man (who) makes beautiful home (life) of people”). The name Tigran had also some Kings of the Great Armennia. All these confirm that ”Iliad” is Armenian (Trojan) epos and Homer (Tigran) was Armenian poet.
An extract from the book “Armenians and Ancient Armenia” by Paris Herouni
4 thoughts on “Armenian Troy – Paris Herouni”
Im very proud of what I read and thousands of blessings to His Soul.His really Son of SUN GOD