There are many enigmas in Old History of Central America, coming from the period of many thousand years ago, l.e, before the well known period of Mayas, Aztecs (Mexico), Incas (Peru, Bolivia, Chile) cultures of n millennium BC- 11 millennium AD.
These enigmas include the presence of the same old legends of population of all said countries and the presence of old towns, temples and pyramids of Ziggurat type (step by step) as they are in Babylon, Ur (Ar in Armenian) and Egypt. G. Hancock writes that old legends of Incas are taken from the book of Khose de Akosta, Spanish scientist and priest (XVI century AD), about Incas descent after the Great Deluge:
”From the lake Titikaka came Virakocha God ••• and the augmenting of the human genus began”. In other legends of the Andes Mountains inhabitants it is said that Virakocha (Wirag~ha)was a white-faced and bearded man of middle height. He called the people as his sons and daughters.
He travelled and made miracles, cured diseases ”by touching”, was very kind, taught people medicine, metallurgy, agriculture, stock-raising, art of witting (later forgotten) and understanding of complex bases of technique and building [24, pp. 48, 49, 54].
Many legends said that Virakocha and his people went back by water, moving by ocean (pacific) in ships without oars [24, p, 88]. G. Hancock tells also that in town Tiauanako of lake Titikaka region
the local Indians-Aymara speak until now in about 10000 years old language of Virakocha.
In opinion of some linguists the Aymara language is the oldest in the World and has a rich and strong structure of syntax [24, p. 87]. It is interesting that in Armenian Titikaka means ”t – i-ka =there is the house of men”, and Aymara means “hay-mar-a =Armenian from sea”, or ”from mother Armenia”.
The name Virakocha in Armenian means ”Vir-a-koch = called from above = tlbpbfi qn1tlwb”. Armenian philologist Dr M.Sarkisian proves that Aymara language is very close to Armenian because from 600 words in English-Aymara dictionary she has found 54 words which are similar to Armenian words [l01]. G. Hancock describes the old Temple in Tiauanako (Bolivia) with big statue of Virakocha, “Sun Gate” and square Calasasaya, which in Ayamara language means ”The place of vertical standing stones” [24, p.72].
In Armenian the word Calasasaya means “Car- sas – haya = big standing stones of Armenians” or “Car- sas – ia =the place of big standing stones”. These and other examples mean that Aymara and Armenian languages are close one to another indeed.
This impression becomes more trustworthy if to take into account that by G. Hancock Calasasaya was a 15-17 thousand years old observatory and Stone Calendar [24, p.74]. Of course, it was not so developed observatory as Carahunge, because in standing stones of Calasasaya there are not holes, so accuracy of observations was not very high.
But all these agree with our supposition that the first observatories in Armenia were built about 23 thousand years ago (see Item 1.17.). The same old legends, coming from ancestors of Mayas and Aztecs, have the people of Mexico. G. Hancock tells the legend from the notes of Khuan de Torkvemada, Spanish chronicler (XVI century AD), that Quetzalcoatl (Mexican analog of Virakocha) was ”the rosy man with lengthy beard …
He was a mighty built white man with high forehead, big eyes and big beard … He condemns sacrifices besides fruits and flowers. He was known as the God of peace…”. This wise teacher “came from behind of sea in the boat which moves itself without oars .•• He taught people to use fire ••• He also built houses and taught couples to live together as husband and wife•••” [24, 97].
According to G.Hancock S.G. Morly, the top researcher of Maya writes that the same “Great God … of pantheon of Maya was the great organizer, founder of towns, author of laws and calendar ..• His main streaks and biography are so realistic that it is fully probably he was a real historical personage, major law-maker … which was the reason of his deification”.
G.Hancock writes here that “All legends rightly affirm that Quetzalcoatl came to Central America from afar (from behind, “from the East Sea”) and later again sailed away to the same direction…” [24, p, 96, 97].
All these and other legends confirm that the “Gods” came in old time to Central America, built with local population big towns, very long roads (about 15000km !), temples and pyramids. As the bright example of the presence of developed old towns we can note also Machu-Pikchu in the beautiful mountains of Peru.
This town was built too far from roads, so G. Hancock writes “Who ever went … to build Machu-Pikchu here, he had to have the very serious reasons for that” [24, p. 57]. Machu-Pikchu has astronomical orientation and was built at the foot of double-headed big mountain which is very like to the Great and Small Mount Ararat (see Fig. 84).
In town Cuzco (Peru) there is the old temple of the Sun with name Qozikancha (with images of Virakocha) [93, p. 355]. This name is very close to Armenian word Carikanch =earl- kanch =stone’s call =puip]; qwU1., which is almost the same as Carahunge (Speeking Stones).
The astronomical dating of the age of old towns, particularly Tiauanako with Sun Temple, Sun Gate, Pyramid and Calasasaya square, were done at 1927-1930 by scientists A.Poznansky, Prof. of La-Pas University, Dr F. Bekker from the “Specula Vaticanica”, Prof. A. Kolsutter from Bonn University. All they demonstrated that Tiauanako is about 17 thousand years old [24, p. 76].
Have we enough bases to say that all these large activities in Central America at old time were done by Armenians? I think ”yes”, because:
1. there are many the same legends of all countries of Central America, that in old time the kind, clever “gods” with high knowledge came from the East and then returned back to the East by sea.
This book shows that Armenians in old time (17-4 thousand years ago) were also kind, clever and with high knowledge;
2. the “gods” were white and bearded men with high forehead and big eyes, which are the indications of Armenoid race;
3. in the old time Armenians went to many other lands and seas and everywhere the local population deified them thanks to their kindness, high knowledge and volition to help. They disallowed sacrifices and taught knowledge, building, language and trust to the kind Sun God. The main God of local tribes was also the Sun.
4. the “gods” language was Armenian, because many old, even present names of towns, buildings and old “gods” (as Virakocha) as well as many words of some languages (as Aymara) have Armenian interpretation.
5. the “gods” built towns, roads, Sun-God Temples and Ziggurat type pyramids with astronomical orientation. They had big ocean ships, high accurate instruments and navigation, which at that time had only Armenians.
An extract from the book “Armenians and Ancient Armenia” by Paris Herouni