During XV-IT millennia BC Armennians researched the near and far lands and seas, and propagated everywhere civilization, knowledge and belief to the AR kind God. Everywhere local tribes deified them for their humanity, high knowledge and kindness.
Armenians presented to other nations accumulated during millennia high knowledge, kindness, IndoEuropean culture and language as bounteously and unselfishly as their ARFather God presented them the life, light and warmth.
Armenians for the accumulation of knowledge (say up to Carahunge level) spent about 30 thousand years, but other nations (at ID millennium BC and later) to achieve the same level of knowledge spent about just one thousand years or less.
The main reason of this is that Armenians during 30 thousands years were alone and did not have any teachers. Approximately at eleven millennium BC Armenians came to Egypt (of course, there was not any country at that time).
The main purpose was to research new lands and to build a giant monument in favor of their new and great scientific investigation of the phenomenon of the Earth axis precession. And they built the Great Sphinx, the big lion with lion face, looking exactly to the East point of horizon, where twice per year, at equinox days, rises the Sun being in the Lion Zodiacal constellation at that time.
More details about these you can see in Item 1.35. “The Great Sphinx” (in PART 1). After the Great Deluge and during the period of draught in Egypt, Armenians came to Egypt again at 3500 – 3000 BC, and collecting there different local tribes founded the first Egyptian State.
In books of old history it is said that the name of the first Egyptian king was Menes or Min. These two names together are very close with Armenian name Minas, which in Armenian means: ”meieneas =u·pefiewu = Uhb’ UWIUlt! fiw wnw2llfi =he (is) the first great man”, Le, the first kesar (or pharaoh)!
It is very important to say here that Armenians did not occupy Egypt but founded in Egypt the first State of Egypt. The word Egypt in Armenian mean: “eegeyepet =he qe pel.ll em = hqwfi luhtwgp uwPJl11q t!fimpwb’ mlum = the clever men came to (the) chosen place”.
The local tribes met Armnians kindly and deified them for their kindness and high knowledge. They also adopted from Armenians the adoration to the kind main God AR (RA) and to the SETA (SET), the Goddess of the knowledge and science.
Seta (Zet) was at that time also the name of the brightest star of Hayk Belt, of kesar Hayk constellation (now star Alnitak of Orion constellation). One of the old Armenian hymns to AR God is retained in Egypt. There are a few lines from this big hymn:
0, Thou” who art beautiful at morning and at evening,
0, Thou Lord who livest and art established,
0, my Lord!
0, Thou who art crowned the King ofthe Gods!
0, Lord ofthe Gods,
0, Thou only one… [88]
Beginning from Minas all Egyptian kesars (pharaohs) and the top caste were Armennians for the long period of I-xvm dynasties, Le. from about 3100 BC until 1600 BC. The history of Egypt is divided into some Periods.
Early Period (3000 – 2800 BC) when was the first Egyptian State established by Kesar Minas of I Dynasty; then 11 Dynasty came.: Ancient Period (2800 – 2300 BC) when was the Kesar Jesser (= 2ebeubp =jeeeser =came (the) nice love) of III dynasty. In 2490-2480 BC was Kesar Hayk (Armenian Kesar in 2493-2444 BC), who founded Egyptian the IV Dynasty and built the Great Pyramid.
First Intermediate Period (2300-2000 BC), VII-X dynasties when in Egypt were Hotites-Aryans (Harries-Armenians, 2200-1800 BC). Medial Period (2000-1800 BC), XI and XII dynasties, when was the
kesar Armenni and others.
Second Intermediate Period (1800-1600 BC), XIII-XVm dynasties, when in Egypt were Armenians Hyksoses, who built the capital town Avaris. New Period (1600-1100 BC), XIX, XX dynasties. Belated Period (11-6 century BC).
Occupation of Egypt by Persians (6-4 century BC), by A. Macedonian (in 332 BC), then by Ptolomeans (or Hellenistic Period, 4-1 century BC), by Rome (30 BC – 395 AD), by Byzantium (395-639 AD), and by Arabs (from 639 AD until now).
Present remnant Egyptians (so-called Kopts) living now in Arabian Egypt are Christians, adopted Armennian (monotheistic) Christianity. Thus, from the very beginning, from the first King Minas (5500-5000 years ago) until the end of XVIII Dynasty (1600 BC), Le. about 2000 years, the kings of Egypt were Armenians.
They were in the same time the main priests of Egypt, i.e. kesars. Beginning from XVI century BC instead of word “Kesar” the word ”Pharavon” was in use in Egypt. This word has Armenian interpretation: ~pwqna = $-wp-w-qen-a = bW umpp nUJ1ul (tuwan) uWIUl UpLP !w$ = ”He holy straight life (person) as the Sun”.
Let us remember that Armennian word “Kesar” means “half Sun” or “As the Sun”. It is interesting also that the names of many Pharaohs (especially of “Armenian Dynasties”) have Armenian interpretations (meanings). For example: Toutmos 11(XVI cent. BC) = S -nt-m-u (nu)= Uhb” mwa ntap mbIJ. -His sit is in big house.
Amenkkotep IV (XIV cent. BC) = bW hqun] Ubb” 4.Jwanp aZwa, umpp mbIJ.a hqwq mpphg= He became the sign of large life and came and held the holy site. Ramses 11 (XIII cent. BC) = Uplat! Ubb” lInmpq hlwq pad = The Great Sun came close to me.
Nefertiti (Xm cent. BC) = bW mwa mppn2 ppqntana hqun] = She became the rear of home lord. Probably she was Armennian because it is known her letter to the father sent to Northern country, where she asks to give (send) Her metals as a part of her dowry.
There are also many words in Egyptian language, which are identic with Armenian words. For example: qwIUl (vard – rose), hwg (hats bread), upp, uhp (sir, ser -love), unnn (ast – universe, place). Kesar of the Great Armenia Hayk (about 2544-2444 BC, Kesar in about 2493-2444 BC), after the building of Babylon Pyramid (Tower) in about 2526-2495 BC, came to Egypt and built the Great Pyramid (in Giza) in about 2490-2480 BC (see Item 3.30).
He was for Egyptians the Son of AR (RA), he was in the Sky as Hayk-Arian (later Orion) constellation, he was the God Osiris (and Ceops, Hu-Fu). G. Hancock and R. Bauvel in their book “The Message of the Sphinx” wrote that Egyptologist Selim Hassan during his excavations in 1930-40s “… uncovered evidence that a colony of foreigners – “Cananites” had resided in this part of Lower Egypt in the early second millennium BC.
They were from the sacred city of Harran •.. and they may perhaps have been pilgrims. At any rate artifacts and commemorative stelae prove that they lived in the immediate vicinity of the Sphinx, worshipping it as a God under the name Hwl” [95, p.4].
Let me add that “Cananites (Harranites) from sacred city of Harran” are Armenians from Armenian famous town Harran =hear-an =the town of Sun (AR) worshippers. The word ”Hwl” (old name of Sphinx) in Armenian means ”h-w-I =worshipper to (of the) Light (means the AR)”.
The Great Pyramid and Stonehenge, and later also Camak, Stonehenges II and Ill, Calenish and Ammon-RA Temple with the oldest Egyptian observatory near present Assouan in Egypt were built by Armennians in about the middle and the end of ID millennium BC in honor of the great scientific investigation of Armenian old scientists about the ball-form of the Earth (and of it sizes).
There were in Armenia Observatories, the Sun-God Temples and Universities, as was Carahunge at the period of more than 7500 years ago until about 2000 years ago (see PART 1, Item 1.34).
An extract from the book “Armenians and Ancient Armenia” by Paris Herouni