Italy. In I millennium BC on the NW of Apenine Peninsula (on territory of . present Tuscany) lived Etruscans who had a developed civilization, which made a big influence on development of Rome. Etruscans in 7 cent. BC made a unit from their 12 town-states and in 6 cent. BC held Campania region in the South of Italy (Neapol). But in 5 -3 cent.
BC they were vanquished by Roma. There is the hypothesis that Etruscans language pertain to the Indo-European family of languages. [87, p.1568]. In the book of Ancient civilizations it is said: ”The question of the Etruscans is impenetrable. Basically there are only two tenable theories.
Either they were an indigenous people who developed their culture as a result of contact with Greek traders and others. Or they came from West Asia at some time during the disturbances that followed the collapse of the Hittite and Mycenaean empires and settled in Italy cross-fertilizing with the native (Villanovan) population already established there.
The question cannot yet be solved archaeologically, but on the whole, the second solution seems more probable: not only because the Etruscan language has close affinities with eastern scripts .•. and features of Etruscan religious ceremony .•. can best be paralleled from eastern sources, but because of the strength of the tradition that there was a migration from Asia Minor.
It is not just the legend of Aeneans fleeing from Troy that was to figure so prominently in Etruscan art” [93, p.241- 242]. These and other sources tell that in Apennine Peninsula, in I millennium BC, the Etruscans lived, who probably came from the West Asia (Hittites) or from Balkan Peninsula (Mycenae).
All these do not contradlet to existed supposition about Armenian genesis of Etruscans. I know that in Europe in 19th cent. AD the book was printed with title: “Armenian Origin of Etruscans”, but could not find it.
The word “Etrusc (Tusc)” in Armenian means: t • m • p • m • U • q (mnlult) =qbut! (lIwuf!) uiju ml)l1wl m1uUJ. mbpfi t =the half (part) is the lord of this given place. This is very interesting and means also that Etruscan scripts are necessary to be read in Armenian. Let me add that the supposition about Armenian genesis of Etruscans is right also because in I century BC Armenians were almost in all Europe.
“Celts (Roman name Galls) were ancient Indo-European tribes, who lived in second part of I millennium BC on territories of present France, Belgium, Switzerland, South part of Germany, in Austria, North Italy, North and West Spain, British Islands, Czechia, and partly in Hungary and Bulgaria” [87, p. 567].
“Celtic languages – the group of kindred languages of the Indo European family. Included: Gallian, Celtiberian, Irish, Menian, Welchian, Corian and British languages.” [87, p.567]. “Gallia – in ancient time the region on territory between river Po and the Alps, and between the Alps, Mediterranean Sea, the Pyrenees and the Atlantic Ocean.
From the beginning of 5 cent. BC territory of Gallia was occupied by German tribes, and in the end of 5 cent. AD was included in Franklin State” [87, p.271]. Celt in Armenian means: q •h •1•m = qhut! (uwut!), hqwb” lwl{mhq = the half (part) who came to the good place. So it is Armenian word.
Celts were Armenians, also because Armenia was the cradle of Indo Europeans, and their languages came from Armenian language (see PART 2). There are very many facts showing this (see also below). Celts were the main connecting link between Armenia and young Europeans, who brought to Europe Indo-European genes, knowledge, culture and civilization. Thereat Armenia never had hegemonic tendencies.
An extract from the book “Armenians and Ancient Armenia” by Paris Herouni