Christianity Adopting in The Great Armenia

Christianity Adopting in The Great ArmeniaThe Christianity arose from the kind, creative and human AR (Sun) – Father Main God Armenian religion, as its continuation and in Christianity the God-Father from the very beginning until now is the same AR (Sun) – Father Main God. About deep connection between Christianity and old Armenian knowleadge, culture and symbols of the AR-Father Main God period there are many facts.

One of them is the structure of famous Cross-stones  of Armenian Christianity period, coming to us across thousand of years. They means a man, standing on ball-formed Earth, as it is on engraving on rock of V millennium BC, which was shown in PART 1, pages 50, 60 and Fig. 40.

Fig. 40. The Earth is ballformed and people live on all its sides. Engraving on rocks near Lake Sevan (about V millennium BC).

In Fig. 94 one of these Cross stones (of XIV century AD) is shown. So Christianity was born in Armenia and Armenians came to Christianity earlier and easily, being the children of the AR- Father God, noble and creative Aryans. Jesus Christ was (and is) also the Son of the Sun-Father Armenian God and preached His kind and creative religion, i.e. Jesus Christ was Armenian, as also Maria (Mariam), His Fig. 94.

Fig. 94. Cross-stone of century AD

Cross-stone of Mother. They spoke, read and wrote in XIV century AD Armenian. It is known, that when Jesus Christ was born, three Magi visited Him with congratulations and presents. Who were those three Magi? To find the answer to this question Adrian G. Gilbert consecrates a whole book “Magi” [33].

He told how he met some Armenian people, visited towns in Historical Armenia. He gave even the names of these three Magi: Kaspar, Melkhior (Melikh, P.H. ) and Baltasar (Bagdassar, P.H.) [33, p. 21] which are Armenian names, but doesn’t tell, that they were Armenians from Armenia.

At first in the World the Christianity was officially adopted by Armenians in 33 AD in Edessia, Capital of Armenian Mesopotamia country, by the King Abgar V the Great (12 – 50 AD) of the Great Armenian Yervandouni Dynasty (see Item 3.41).

In 57 AD this decision lost its official force, but in 207 AD Christianity was again officially adopted in Edessia by the King Abgar VIll the Great (177 – 212 AD) of Yervandouni Dynasty (Item 3.41). King Abgar V the Great (12 – 50 AD), his son Sannatrouk (50 – 57 AD) and King Abgar YIll the Great, King of Kings (177 – 212 AD) were at the same time the Kings (Kesars) of the Great Armenia.

In 301 AD the Christianity was adopted officially in the Great Armenia, in Capital town Vagharshappat, by the King Trdat Ill the Great (287 – 330 AD) Arshakouni. The Central Cathedral of the Armenian Apostolic Church was built (301 – 304 AD) and named St. Echmiatsin (see Fig. 95), which means ”the
Sole Born (Jesus Christ) descended”.

The first Catholicos of all Armenians became Grigor, son of Annat Parthev. Later he received the title “Lousavorich”, which means “Bringer of light”. In 1918 the Capital town of Armennian First Republic became Yerevan and town Vaggarshappat in 1945 was renamed to Echmiatsin.

In christianity period thousands Armenian beautiful churches in territories of the present and thousands of them in territories of Historical Armenia were built. In Fig. 96 the St. Hripsime Basilica (618 AD) in Echmiatsin is shown.

This Church Is, of examples (masterpieces) of architectural Gothic Style foundation•. During I millennium AD many Christian churches in Europe were built by Armenian masters-stonemasons, who had in Europe their own closed society.

An extract from the book “Armenians and Ancient Armenia” by Paris Herouni

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