In ancient Armenia they were called Peri. About Neolithic monument builders of Scotland

New research reveals that the Neolithic monument builders of Scotland and Ireland were a priestly class possessing an inherited knowledge handed down from an established yet remote culture.

When Scandinavian settlers arrived in the western isles of Scotland they noted how two groups of people, the Papae and Peti, had once been associated with Orkney’s megalithic culture.

The Peti were described as “people of strange habits” who spoke a different language; both the Peti and Papae wore long white robes, the kind of garment typically identifying a priest or sage in ancient temple tradition.

Perhaps one group mapped the sky while the other attended to stonemasonry and monuments, anchoring the calculations to the land. Such a division of roles was common in the temple raising practices of ancient Egypt, and an examination of these people’s etymological fingerprint reveals a definite intertwinement.

Access to the Egyptian temple was restricted to the learned, the purified and the initiated, qualities reflected in their white robes of office and the title petriu, ‘those who see’, visionaries, initiates with more finely attuned faculties, precisely the kind of responsible individuals one wants in charge of a sacred environment.

The related term petiu is even closer to the Scottish term. It means ‘heavenly beings’, while the derivative petr means ‘a region of sky’.

Clearly the petriu or petiu, and by extension the Peti, were involved with understanding the stars. In the region formerly known as Sumeria — whose cultural stratum overlays that of earlier migrants from Armenia — they were referred to as peri: elegant, tall and graceful people possessing the gifts of clairvoyance and the ability to walk between worlds. The title followed them to Ireland where it was modified to Feadh-Ree (faery, the ‘fair people’) to reflect local dialect.

Papae, on the other hand, originates from the Armenian p’apegh, a monk or holy person. Its diminutive pap denotes ‘a grandfather or elder’. Together the Papae and Peti became the foundation for the white-robed Druidhe, whose council was called a feis (from the Gaulish fée, or faery).

As from where these strangers might have originated, a study of the DNA of Scotland’s highly diverse people pinpoints 24% of modern genetic lines to Egypt, Arabia, and most importantly to Siberia, whose root Armenian culture forms the foundation of the names of ancient sites from Orkney all the way down to Ireland.

Further reading: Scotland’s Hidden Sacred Past

Freddy Silva Ancient History And Mystery

Freddy Silva is a best-selling author and leading researcher of ancient civilizations, restricted history, sacred sites, and their interaction with consciousness. He has published six books in six languages.

Described as “perhaps the best metaphysical speaker in the world right now,” for more than two decades Freddy has been an international keynote speaker, and has appeared on Gaia TV, History Channel, BBC, and radio shows such as Coast To Coast. He is also a documentary filmmaker, and leads sell-out tours to sacred sites throughout the world.

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