Karahunj Date Conclusion

Karahunj Date ConclusionWe considered four independent astronomical Methods of Karahunj age determination: the Sun and Moon rising and setting Azimuth shifts (Table 3), Zenith point star crossing (Table 4), Star rising and setting Azimuths (Table 5) and Star culmination Elevations (Table 6) See below. It is very interesting that all four Methods of dating have given the same result: Karahunj Observatory was built and operated more than 7500 years ago (middle of VI millennium BC).

Obviously the building and operation of Karahunj started much earlier (having more simple instruments), more than 15000 years ago. Karahunj was in continuous operation more than 5500 years, up to 2000 years”, Karahunj certified that in Armenia was high civilization much more than 7500 years ago. Let us recall that it is considered that any civilization did not exist yet neither in Mesopotamia, Egypt nor anywhere else before 5500 – 5000 years ago.

Professor G. S. Hawking

In February 1999 I sent all my Karahunj materials including the Age calculations to Professor G. S. Hawkins (Washington D.C.) who is the top specialist on old monuments dating by astronomical methods and asked his opinion. I am very thankful to him that he kindly agreed and has done a lot of work to check my results and gave a high estimation. In Fig. 33 is shown a photo of Professor G. S. Hawkins.

In his letter of May 18, 1999 he answered me the following: “The Karahunj site is very interesting, and I have some thought to share with you.” and then, …”I am most impressed with the careful work you have done, and hope that the result will ultimately get recorded in the literature”. In his letter of June 28,1999 he wrote that I can publish his comments in my next publication, which I am doing now with pleasure:

“The menhir-lined Avenue leading from the stone circle (of Karahunj, P.H.) is similar to the Avenue at Stonehenge, and the Avenue at Callanish. The former points to the midsummer sunrise, and the latter to the extreme point of the setting of the moon.

Both date to the third millennium BC. At Karahunj the arrangement is similar. The Avenue from the stone circle points to the extreme northerly rising of the moon in the third millennium BC. As the Stonehenge and Callanish, the Avenue is the most distinctive architectural feature of the monument.”

It is very interesting that Professor G. S. Hawkins sees the parallel between Stonehenge, Callanish and Karahunj. Professor G. S. Hawkins is also painter. In Fig. 34 his painting “Stonehenge” is shown.

• At first, in 33 AD Christianity was accepted in Armenian Pharam Aram (in Armenian: ”The country of Aram’s junior brother”, now – Mesopotamia) with capital Arpha (later – Edessa, Urfa) by King Abgar V (12-50 AD) who in 33 AD delegated his secretary and artist Hannan to Jesus Christ with letter (inviting Him to Arpha) and received His reply letter and His portrait (the famous so-called “Mandilion”) painted by Hannan.

An extract from the book “Armenians and Ancient Armenia” by Paris Heoruni.

To date, The Prehistoric Wonder in Armenia Karahunj is included in the Top Ancient Sites for Stargazing in National Geographic

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