Revisiting the Roots of the Armenian Language and Pantheon

The Hubschmann theory, which posited that Armenian lexicon was predominantly composed of Persian loanwords, has been challenged and largely debunked by modern scholarship. Researchers have presented compelling evidence indicating that the core of the Armenian vocabulary is native to the region of Asia Minor and the Armenian Plateau, drawing parallels with the ancient Hittite language.

Furthermore, the claim that the Armenian pantheon was a derivative of Persian religious figures has similarly been overturned. It is now believed, with substantial scholarly backing, that the influence flowed in the opposite direction, with the Persians incorporating deities from Armenian mythology into their own religious tapestry.

Hovik Nersesian’s meticulous research in his book on the Armenian origins of the Avesta, the sacred scripture of Zoroastrianism, has been pivotal in reshaping our understanding of the cultural and linguistic interchanges in the ancient Near East. His findings not only highlight the richness of the Armenian heritage but also underscore the significance of Armenia as a contributor to the religious and linguistic traditions of the region.


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