The ability to keep track of time is the key to understanding the mysteries and puzzles of civilization.
Numerous historical monuments, architecture, as well as written testimonies that have reached us, tell us that thousands of years ago on Armenian soil, people not only mastered the science of time but were also able to use the knowledge gained…
Navasard, or the Armenian New Year, as is known, was celebrated on August 11. But why exactly August 11? What is hidden within this date? Was it chosen randomly or does this day differ from other days of the year?
To find answers to these questions, just searching on Google isn’t enough. Of course, some clues can be found online. For example, that according to the ancient Armenian calendar, there were 13 months in a year: 12 months of 30 days each, and another month, which had only five days.
This extra month lasted from August 6 to 10 and was called “Avelyats”, which translates from Armenian as “additional”. These five days, as it were, “tied” all the other days of the year together. And from August 11, the Navasard festival began, which also gave its name to the first month of the year.
More detailed information about this date was provided by Sputnik Armenia’s independent researcher Vazgen Gevorgyan. According to him, the Orion constellation emerges from the zone of invisibility (in the annual cycle) at the beginning of August, and precisely on the 11th at four in the morning, the culmination of this process occurs, when the upper star of Orion’s belt (Mintaka — Kshirk) reaches the celestial equator.
This culminating point of the Orion constellation is reached once every 25,920 years and marks the end of the old and the beginning of a new cosmic year. It was precisely with the help of this point on the celestial equator that ancient scientists calculated time with astronomical accuracy and composed the calendar.
Orion in Armenia is called the constellation Ayk. The Armenian chronology according to the ancient Armenian calendar begins with the victory of Ayk Naapet (Patriarch) over the tyrant Bel in 2492 BC. The archer Ayk is the progenitor of the Armenians (hence the self-name of the nation – “hay”). According to the legend, Ayk kills Bel, who represents the constellation of Taurus, with a three-feathered arrow.
In the Armenian language, Orion’s Belt has its own name – “shampurk-kshirk”, which literally translates as “balance rod”.
History remembers a very beautiful tradition, according to which on the night of August 11, the people, led by the king, gathered on the slope of Mount Npat on both banks of the Aratsani and awaited the rise of the star.
The celebrations lasted several days and ended with a general feast. Navasard was celebrated precisely in honor of Ayk’s victory over Bel, so it was observed from 2492 BC until the beginning of the 18th century, when, by the decree of Catholicos Simeon Yerevantsi, January 1st began to be officially considered the beginning of the New Year.
By the way, on August 11, 2007, in Armenia, they celebrated the new 4500th year according to the ancient Armenian calendar.
Navasard – a star update? After the adoption of Christianity, the ancient Armenian calendar in Armenia fell out of use and was gradually forgotten. In the Middle Ages, the Great Armenian calendar, which was used at the time, was movable, which caused confusion in determining holidays.
“In this regard, in 1082, Ovanes Imastaser (a medieval Armenian astronomer, philosopher, theologian; a prominent thinker of his time – ed.) was asked to arrange the holidays and make the Armenian calendar immovable.
Then Imastaser bypasses all other dates and fixes the Armenian New Year on August 11,” says the researcher. It was a mystery to everyone why exactly August 11.
Studying a multitude of Imastaser’s manuscripts, stored in Matenadaran, scientists concluded that he was based on the knowledge of the ancients, according to which a certain “sign” appeared in the sky at this time. Thus, August 11 is a significant day to mark the beginning of time.
This statement was adhered to not only by the ancients and Imastaser but also by many modern researchers of ancient civilizations, among them Graham Hancock, Robert Bauval – the author of the book “The Secrets of the Pyramids (The Mystery of Orion)”, Adrian Gilbert – the author of the book “The Mystery of the Magi”…
By the way, to unravel the mystery of Orion, Graham Hancock, at the invitation of Vazgen Gevorgyan, visited Armenia twice (in 2014 and 2015). (The results of these expeditions will also be published in the series “Lost Knowledge”).
“What can we glean from the ancient Armenian language to unveil this topic? “The word for ‘star’ in Armenian is ‘astgh’, where ‘as’ signifies a word bearing truthful, undistorted information, that is, truth, and ‘tgh’ denotes a frequency of oscillations coming from above.
Thus, the precise ideological meaning of the word ‘astgh’ is truth coming from above,” emphasizes Gevorgyan. Now we are approaching the main question: why is it that now, when January 1 has firmly entered our life, we do not stop returning to the date of August 11?
The answer should be sought in the very word ‘Navasard’, which, according to the ancients, unfolds as ‘nor asi jamanakashrdjan’ – ‘time of new information’.
What can this mean? It means that when the belt of Orion reaches the celestial equator, there is a renewal not only of the annual cycle, but also of the Earth’s energy-informational field. This has a huge influence on all of nature on Earth, and first and foremost on water, changing its properties.
The water system of the planet, as it were, is renewed in these days, a kind of reboot occurs (energy bursts and changes in the structure of water have been repeatedly recorded by various devices). Thus, August 11 is by no means a random date, it initiates processes on a cosmic-planetary scale.
Scientists and researchers in this field are confident: this knowledge has nothing to do with mysticism. On the contrary – it is a science, the study of which will bring benefit and prosperity to society. Interestingly, this information was not hidden from our ancestors, moreover, they shared it with other peoples…
by Lilit Arutyunyan
Translated by Vigen Avetisyan