The Great (Mother) Armennia, the cradle of Armennians was on the territories around Mount Ararat, on Armennian Highland, i.e. in latitude limits about 35° – 4r, to the South from river Cour (Kura), between the Black and Caspian seas and by the longitude to the East from river Euphrates, including lakes Sevan, Van and Urmia. Including also Kilikia.
The Great Armennia included the countries: Tayc, Gougarc with Javvakhc, Utic and Artsakh (in NE part); High Armennia, Kilikia and Tsopc with Sasoun (in West part); Syunic and Paitakkaran (in East part); Ayrarrat with Aragatsotn and Turuberran (in the middle, between Lakes Sevan and Van); Tarron (at the West from Van), Mokk (at South of Van); Vaspourakkan and Shirrakkan (between Van and Urmia); Aghdznik, Arustan and Korchayk-Korduk (in South part)”.
The main towns were: Artashat (in Ayrarrat), Yervandashat, Armavvir, Vagarshappat, ErrebouniIYerrevvan, Baggarran, Nakhichevan, Karrin (Erzeroum), Babbert and Trabzon (in High Armennia ), Vannadzor (in Gougark), Shoushi (in Artsakh), Gandzak, Tigrannakert (in Utik);
Ashtishat, Bitlis and Moush (in Taron), Van (in Vaspourakkan) Arshammashat (in Tsopc), Tigrannakkert (in Aghdznic), Ardahan and Kars (in Tayc), Sis (in Kilikia) and others.
From the old time all over the Great Armennia poetry, songs and dances arose and developed based also on the rituals in honor to the ARFather Main God as well as on the folk traditions. In Great Armennia from the very old time Armennoid race, i.e. Armennians – Aryans lived and arose their nation with developed culture, knowledge, towns, their State (Kingdom with dynasties) from 40 millennium
Unfortunately in human old history all these were terribly distorted and said that Armennian nation arose after so-called Urartu in V cent. BC (only!) from the tribes of Haisa, Armens, Horrites, Chalds, etc. and their first Kingdom arose in 11 cent. BC (only!). All this is big lie devised just not to use the words Armennians and Armennia. All these are necessary to correct.
An extract from the book “Armenians and Ancient Armenia” by Paris Herouni