While the European values under which we understand tolerance and multiculturalism, are destroying Europe itself, as a countermeasure to this time bomb, the right-wing conservative forces advocate the preservation of European civilization and the basis of its cultural release.
One of such prominent politicians is Matteo Salvini, the former Deputy Prime Minister and the Minister of the Interior Affairs of Italy, who is very popular with the electorate.

Salvini became known among the Armenian society for his position on the Armenian genocide, the Artsakh issue, and the relations with Turkey.
In particular, during the discussion in the Italian Senate about the human rights violations in Turkey, Salvini did not forget to mention that “this [Erdogan’s] administration denies not only the rights of women but also any freedom and even denies the historical truth.” Further, Salvini decided to mention Turkey’s crime against Armenians as an example: “Let’s not forget that justice has not triumphed against Armenians yet, the Armenian Genocide has not been recognized yet. And as long as this is so, I do not think that we can sit around the same table with someone who imprisons those who dare to mention historical truth.”
At the height of the Artsakh war, Matteo was by the Armenian people, participated in the demonstrations of the Armenian community of Rome. He made the following publication on his Facebook page: “We must not forget the suffering and destruction that befell the people close to us today, and about which very little is said. Today in Rome, on my behalf and behalf of my whole party, I express my support for the Armenians’ right to existence and peace. The Armenians were the first to feel the horror of the genocide, and now they are being persecuted in Nagorno-Karabakh.”
We cannot respect the fact of how soberly Salvini assesses the threats to European civilization in the 21st century: few European politicians understand the importance of Armenia in the region from a civilizational and religious point of view. Speaking about the war against the Armenians of Artsakh, he adds: “If the European Union makes sense, then we will protect the brothers and a forpost of European civilization in the Middle East and the Caucasus.”
At the same time, Salvini became famous for his principled position about migrants. On this issue, he reminds his compatriot Oriana Falacci: “We are a victim of aggression. Our culture, our society, our traditions, and our way of life are under threat. Skin color has nothing to do with this, but the risk is real. The history of many centuries is in danger of extinction if Islamization, which is greatly underestimated, prevails.”
It is logical that there will be a negative attitude towards Turkey, as the one who “supplies” the EU with migrants and pursues a policy of Islamization. While expressing his position, Salvini does not select expressions and does not strive for political correctness, which is popular in Europe. As a Deputy Prime Minister, he has clearly stated that he does not want to see Turkey in Europe, that it is not and will never be Europe. The membership process must be stopped.
“The Turkish regime has not changed its approaches, continuing to destroy the national minorities that live on its territory: first Christians, then Armenians, and then Kurds. (…) And after this, we are the ones who are considered dangerous and cruel! ” Matteo Salvini.
The existence of such principled European politicians as Matteo Salvini is very valuable for the Armenian people. The Armenian state and Diaspora structures should properly value the role of such politicians and look for ways of mutually beneficial cooperation and support.
Eleonora Sargsyan armat.im