Baron August von Haxthausen On The Attitude of Armenians Towards Armenian Women

Baron August von Haxthausen

“The life and family organization of the Armenian people is patriarchal in nature. However, it differs profoundly from other peoples in one thing – in their respect to women, in recognition of their independence and equality, in their noble attitude towards them, which are all caused by the perception of the family by Armenians.

In my opinion, this shows the belonging of Armenians to the most highly developed civilizations. Their brilliant spiritual legacy is intended to serve as a guarantee of their future, which seems to have predetermined their role as a link between Europe and Asia.”

Baron August von Haxthausen (1792-1866)

P.S. The civilization level of a society is determined by the position of women in it. So, is modern Armenia as civilized as it has been in the days of Baron August von Haxthausen?

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