Rafael Patkanyan – Who Is an Armenian?

Rafael Patkanyan – Who Is an Armenian?

Who is an Armenian? Surely, the one who speaks Armenian? Or the one whose last name rhymes with “yan”? Anyone who is ready to eat pilaf and dolma for dinner day after day? Or the one for whom the Armenian hat and costume is an honor?

Who is an Armenian? Surely the one who visits the temple of the Armenians? And at least four times a year takes communion? Who never violates fasting? Whose face or the yawning mouth is bowered with a cross?

No, dear, nationality is not an external attribute. Even Armenian parents won’t give you rights to Armenianship…

If you are an Armenian, honor your Armenianship and consider Armenia as a star of hope…

Love your nation not with just words – love it as you would love yourself. If necessary, sacrifice all your treasures to it. Do not spare your blood and give it as a sacrifice. And not just because the nation will honor you.

Rafael Patkanyan

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