• 1724 June 12 – K. Under the Russian-Turkish treaty signed in Constantinople, the Russians recognized Eastern Armenia and Eastern Georgia as an integral part of the Ottoman Empire. At the same time, the Armenians of Artsakh were urged to continue the struggle against the Turks, promising immediate military assistance and keeping secret with the Turks. Their agreement in Constantinople.
• 1729 March – The Armenian military, led by Captains Avan and Tarkhan, once again sends a delegation to the Russian army to receive the promised military assistance. The Russians not only did not fulfill their promise but also forbade the famous commanders of the Artsakh war to return to their homeland.
• 1804 September – A Russian corps led by General Tsitsianov robs St. Etchmiadzin.
• 1805 ․ April – The second robbery of the Cathedral by General Nesvetaev.
• 1827 ․ October – General Paskevich, who captured the fortress of Yerevan from the Persians, openly persecuted Armenian intellectuals, including Nerses Ashtaraketsi, who had made a great contribution to the creation of the Armenian Druzhins.
• 1828-29 ․ During the Russian-Turkish war, the Russians looted Armenian settlements in Western Armenia.
March 11, 1836 – Polozhenie. By the order of Nicholas I, the rights of the Armenian Church were limited.
• April 10, 1840 – By the order of Nicholas I, the Armenian region created on March 21, 1828, was abolished.
• 1879 The annual report submitted by the governor of Yerevan to the tsarist government stressed that most Armenian parish schools would hardly be able to serve as distributors of enlightenment, and “… therefore it is hardly expedient to leave the educational work of Armenians in private hands.”
• In 1885, 1897 և 1903, Armenian schools were closed. The tsarist government began to pursue a policy of open Russification.
• 1890s ․ In the days of Abdulhamid’s massacres, the tsarist government openly supported the Red Sultan.
• 1896 By special order, 230 Armenian primary schools were transferred from the administration of the Armenian Church to the Ministry of Enlightenment of Russia. Only the teaching of the Armenian language and religion was allowed in the mother tongue, and the hours provided for them were reduced.
June 12, 1903 – Law on confiscation and nationalization of property belonging to the Armenian Church in the Russian Empire. People’s struggle against tsarism.
• 1905-1906 – Armenian-Tatar clashes and massacres provoked by the Russian government in the Caucasus.
• 1912 – The St. Petersburg trial of Armenian intellectuals.
• 1914-1916 – Deliberate slow advance of Russian troops on the Caucasus front and tactics of surprise retreats, as a result of which the Turks managed to fully realize the Armenian Genocide in Western Armenia.
March 3, 1918 – Treaty of Brest-Litovsk between Soviet Russia and the Quartet. According to Article 4 of the Reconciliation and the additional Russian-Turkish agreement, the Russians recognized Western Armenia as the territory of the Ottoman Empire.
• 1920-1922 ․ The Kremlin maintained warm political relations with both Kemal’s government and the leaders of the Ittihad. Talaat, Enver, Jemal, Khalil Pasha, and others had secret meetings and agreements with the Russian political elite.
May 1920 – Incitement of an anti-government uprising against the Armenian authorities. Occupation of Artsakh by Russian-Azerbaijani military units.
• 1920 ․ On July 5, the Russians captured Goris. In one of the famous massacres, Khalil Pasha, a Turkish military figure who became a friend of the Bolsheviks, declares in Goris that if the Armenians of Zangezur do not recognize the sovereignty of Azerbaijan, they will submit to the fate of the Western Armenians.
The Russian military-political leadership was not worried about Khalil’s anti-Armenian statements, but his security, and took measures on the spot to organize the safe passage of the Turkish general to Nakhichevan.
• July-August 1920 – Occupation of Nakhichevan and Zangezur by Russian-Azerbaijani forces.
August 4, 1920 – Bolsheviks assassinate members of the RA Parliament Arshak Shirinyan and Vahan Khoren in Goris.
August 10, 1920 – The Russian-occupied territories of Armenia, Artsakh, Zangezur, and Nakhichevan, are declared “disputed territories” by the Armenian-Russian agreement in Tbilisi (Georgia).
• August 24, 1920 – Russian-Turkish Treaty of “Heartfelt and Sincere Friendship”. Western Armenia and a part of Eastern Armenia were recognized as inseparable parts of the Turkish homeland. The Russians promised the allied Kemalists to continue supplying arms and ammunition, to arm the Turkish army, and to help Kemal in the fight against the Entente and its ally Armenia.
September 1-8, 1920 – At the first congress of the peoples of the East convened in Baku on Lenin’s instructions, where Enver Pasha was also present as a delegate, a “holy war” was called for a war against international imperialism and its ally, the Republic of Armenia.
September 18, 1920 – The Council of Propaganda and Action formed by the First Assembly of the Peoples of the East pass a resolution proposing to help the Kemalists launch a campaign against Armenia and to deploy the Red Army in Armenia under the pretext of preventing “new Turkish-Armenian massacres.” categories:
• September 23, 1920 – At the instigation of the Russians, the Turks attacked Armenia. The Armenian-Turkish war started. At the same time, the forces led by Poghos Ter Davtyan and Nzhdeh in Syunik were fighting fiercely against the Russian-Azerbaijani military units.
November 29, 1920 – The Red Army invades Armenia from the northeast and declares Armenia a Soviet republic in the name of the non-existent workers ‘and peasants’ uprising.
• December 2, 1920 – The Sovietization of Armenia. The destruction of the first republic.
• December 1920 – January 1921 – Exile of the Armenian intellectuals and the command staff of the Armenian army. The axing of intellectuals in Yerevan prisons. Robbery and misappropriation of movable and immovable property of the population.
• February 16, 1921 – March 2, February Armenian uprising against Russian occupiers.
• Under the ill-fated treaties of Moscow of March 16, 1921, and Kars of October 13, 1921, the regions of Kars and Surmalu passed to Turkey and Sharur-Nakhichevan to Azerbaijan.
• 1921 March-July: Fierce battles against Russian-Azerbaijani military units in Syunik. July 5, 1921 – By the decision of the Cow Bureau, Artsakh was given to Azerbaijan.
• 1921-1949 ․ Tens of thousands of Armenians were exiled, tortured, and shot in prisons. Organized destruction of the Armenian intelligentsia.
• In July 1922, Cemal Pasha, a member of the Ittihad triumvirate, former naval minister of the Ottoman Empire, and one of the main organizers of the Armenian Genocide, arrived in Tbilisi (Georgia) to cooperate with the Bolsheviks. On July 25, in Tbilisi (Georgia), in front of the building of the Emergency Commission (Cheka), Stepan Tsaghikyan together with his friends Petros Ter-Poghosyan and Artashes Gevorgyan successfully carried out the case of Jemal’s murder.
This was followed by the arrests, torture, and exile of hundreds of young Armenians. The traces of Stepan Tsaghikyan disappeared in the cells of the Emergency Commission. 1937 Petros Ter-Poghosyan and Artashes Gevorgyan also became victims of repressions.
• 1926 ․ Moscow banned the Armenian Church from holding a memorial service in memory of the victims of the Armenian Genocide.
1930-1931 – Vayots Dzor uprising against Soviet oppression.
• 1938 Catholicos of All Armenians Khoren Muradbekyan died in mysterious circumstances in Etchmiadzin in April 2006 (according to some sources).
May 30, 1953 – The USSR government declares that official Moscow has no land claims against Turkey.
• 1966-88 – A new wave of open persecution of dissidents. Persecution, arrest, exile, shooting of members of the National United Party.
February 27-29, 1988 – Sumgait genocide. The Soviet troops were “late” for 3 days.
1988-1990: Deportation, looting, and massacres of Armenians living in Azerbaijan. Moscow was silent.
January 1990 – Massacres of Armenians in Baku. Soviet troops were “delayed” by seven days.
• April-May 1991 – Operation “Ring” was jointly carried out by the Russian-Azerbaijani armed forces. Massacre, captivity, looting, and destruction of dozens of Armenian civilians in Artsakh.
• 1991-2021 ․ Intensive armament of Azerbaijan by the Kremlin, including weapons of mass destruction.
May 1994 – Bishkek ceasefire. Were it not for the pressure from the Russian side, the Armenian forces would have occupied several Azerbaijani regions in just a few days and would have entered the Kur-Araks valley.
• 2016 ․ – A four-day war instigated by Moscow. Russia’s position became more pro-Turkish, and pro-Azerbaijani, and the Kremlin decided to once again sacrifice their ally Armenia to use the Turkish-Azerbaijani tandem in its plans against the West. This dishonest game of Putin’s Russia against Armenia was revealed by several military-political analysts.
• September-November 2020: 44-day war. It was the script of Moscow, performed by Baku and Ankara. Territorial concessions to Baku. Ensuring Russian presence in Artsakh and on the eastern borders of Armenia.
To be continued by Arshaluis Zurabyan