Armenian Mission in Tbilisi (Georgia) – Bekzatyan
“After reviewing the pact signed between Russia and Georgia on May 7, the government was surprised to learn that, according to the Georgian proposal, Russia was obliged to recognize the province of Tbilisi, the Batumi region, and land plots in all provinces and districts as part of the Georgian state.
According to the pact signed between Armenia and Georgia on January 9 of last year (1919), part of the Borchalu province in Tbilisi (Georgia), which borders Georgia and Armenia, was declared neutral by both republics until the final settlement of border disputes with each other.
According to the same pact, the province of Akhalkalaki in the province of the Tbilisi district was recognized as controversial.
In the Batumi region, Armenia presented its demand for some plots of land in Chorokh so that construction of the Kars-Batumi railway would provide it with such a vital and necessary opportunity as economic access to the sea.
In accordance with the agreement signed between Armenia and Georgia on November 14 last year, both republics are obliged to resolve all existing or future disputes by mutual agreement and, in case of non-compliance, by compulsory arbitration.
In connection with the above, on behalf of the Government, please inform the Government of Georgia, as well as representatives of all Allied Missions in Tbilisi (Georgia), that the Government of Armenia considers invalid part of the above-mentioned agreement between Tbilisi (Georgia) and Batumi Region.”
June 11, 1920, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Armenia H. Ohanjanyan
Daily “ՅԱՌԱՋ”, ARF, No. 124, Wednesday, June 16, 1920