On March 16, 2011, on the 90th anniversary of the signing of the Russian-Turkish Moscow Treaty, the then Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan presented Russian President Dmitry Medvedev with a copy of the 1921 Moscow Treaty.
Dmitry Medvedev, in his turn, gifted the Turkish prime minister one photo depicting the process of signing the contract, namely, when Russian Foreign Minister Chicherin presented his colleague Yusuf Kemal with the agreement, according to which Russia recognized the Kars and Surmalu districts as the property of fraternal Turkey and Sharur-Nakhichevan was passed to Azerbaijan.
In May-July 1920, Russian-Azerbaijani troops captured Artsakh, Zangezur, and Nakhichevan and in September, with the instigation of Russia and the Turkish army armed with Russian assistance, attacked Armenia.
Already on November 29, the Russian army invaded Armenia from Kazakh, and the Russian-Turkish alliance put an end to the existence of the First Republic of Armenia. Under the Moscow Treaty of Friendship and Brotherhood from March 16, 1921, the predators tore up the captured Armenian territories.