We present to your attention one French miniature. It is part of the famous French manuscript collection created in 1401–1405 and called “Le Roman de Mélusine.” It is now stored in Paris in the National Library of France.
The miniature depicts the founding of the Lusignan dynasty in Cilician Armenia in 1343 when Guy (Guillaume) de Lusignan acceded to the throne as King of Armenia Constantine II.
The miniature symbolically depicts the presentation of the crown of Cilician Armenia to Guy de Lusignan. It also bears the inscription “How Guillaume de Lusignan became King of Armenia.”
Constantine II (also Constantine III or IV, died April 17, 1344) was the king of Cilician Armenia in 1342-1344 from the Lusignan dynasty. He was the founder of the Armenian branch of the French noble Lusignan House which ruled the Cilician Kingdom until its fall in 1375.
Constantine was the son of the lord of Tyre Amalric from the Lusignan dynasty and the Armenian princess Isabella, daughter of the Cilician King Levon III from the Hethumid dynasty.