Medieval Wine Press Facility Discovered in Yeghegnadzor

Medieval Wine Press Facility Discovered in YeghegnadzorIn the area adjacent to the number 1 school of the city of Yeghegnadzor, Vayots Dzor Province, Armenia, archaeologists recently discovered a medieval wine press facility. The responsible excavation was entrusted to Karen Azatyan, the director of the Geological Museum of Yeghegnadzor and a scientific employee of the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography of the National Academy of Sciences of Armenia.

The discovery proves that Vayots Dzor Province has been engaged in winemaking since ancient times. Moreover, here, winemaking developed in the region as a part of culture.

Earlier, a 6,000 years old winemaking facility was discovered in the Areni cave in Vayots Dzor Province. Archaeologists found wine presses, karases (Armenian vessels), as well as remnants of wine and grape pips.

As it has been with the Areni cave, the wine press facility in Yeghegnadzor was discovered accidentally during works on the school’s football field.

“Fortunately, they didn’t damage anything. Moreover, the workers addressed the center for the preservation of monuments, after which began the excavations,” said Karen Azatyan.

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