Quotes From Galust Gyulbenkyan

Quotes From Galust Gyulbenkyan

Throughout his life, Galust Gyulbenkyan, an Armenian businessman from a wealthy family of Armenians of Constantinople, has had two passions – an attraction to oil as a source of wealth and a craving for masterpieces of art. And he has excelled in both fields!

A selection of quotes from the famous “Mr. Five Percent”

“I am not an oil dealer! I consider myself a business architect.”

“I feel that they [items in his collection] are part of my soul, my heart.”

“Trade whatever you want, but not what is in the museum displays. The sale of what constitutes a national treasure is the basis for a severe diagnosis.”

“Artwork should be enjoyable, entertaining, and eye-catching. Yes, it should pleasant. There are enough boring things in life already. We must not increase their number.”

“The one who has been entrusted with selling a painting or piece of applied art imagines that he is the most successful simply because he has found a profitable buyer, ignoring the other consequences of the deal. These officials do not understand the harm done to your creditworthiness. They are not at all bothered by the negative impression created by the sale of values from your museums.”

“Prices for works of art are like a loan – they are very volatile, entirely dependent on external circumstances.”

“Works of art are not ordinary goods, and their prices depend on the collector.”

“Oil businessmen are like cats – from their yells, one can never understand whether they are fighting or making love.”

“I have always adhered to the thesis that the works stored in your museums over the years should not be sold, for they are not only a national treasure but also an extensive educational fund and, at the same time, the greatest national pride, and if their sales figures became known to the public, this would damage the credibility of your government.”

“You are happy that you are free from the passion that is collecting – after all, it is like an illness.”

Anna Zarubina

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