The below-presented telegram is a yet another testimony that the newly-established Soviet government was ready to go to great lengths to please and attract Turkey. And unfortunately, the Armenians, though possessing great potential, pretty much lost their country to the Bolsheviks, the Turks, and the recently invented Turks called Azerbaijanis. The modern situation in the region resembles that of the early 20th century, with the difference that Armenia now isn’t under the full control of Russia.
Telegram of an authorized representative of RSFSR P. Mdivani to People’s Commissar for Foreign Affairs G. Chicherin, J. Stalin, and Eliava with a recommendation to play along with the Armenophobia of the Turks and to maintain the policy of territorial concessions at the expense of Armenia
Kars, January 8, 1921
<…> Our behavior in terms of this question disturbs the Turks and promotes their idea that we take care of the interests of Armenia rather than Turkey, and that we even want to use Turkey in favor of Armenia. The Turks’ doubts are caused by: the announcement on behalf of Russia of our representative in Erivan [modern Yerevan] about the inclusion of Nakhichevan, Zangezur, and Karabakh in Armenia, in fact, Azerbaijan’s acknowledgement of the fact is also attributed to our influence; exceptionally careful attitude towards the dashnaks, the primordial enemies of Turkey: moreover, some of them as a part of a peaceful delegation have been taken under the protection of Russia with the guarantee of total security; the retaining of the Armenian army in its former makeup with the appointment of Lavrov, a sworn enemy of the Turks; and the requests of Van, Bitlis, and Mush on behalf of Armenia. All this seriously damages the matter of our cooperation with Turkey. The masses, even children, are being inculcated with deep hate towards first the Armenians and then the English. Both the government and the [military] headquarters are now under the influence of the anti-Armenian attitudes that they had enforced themselves, and they moved their troops against Armenia with this slogan. <…>
January 8, 1921, Mdivani
Source: Барсегов Ю.Г. Нагорный Карабах, document 647, page 608