It appears that Armenians might be the only survived nation tradition, mythology and language of which kept the significance and meanings of forgotten Sumer, Mesopotamia and Egypt cultures.
Hardly preserved, scarred fragments of the ancient Armenian culture can serve as a bridge to understanding the historical experience and values of the said cultures.
In the culture of Ancient Egypt we can find quite a few fragments and traces of the once influential Armenian presence. As Robac wrote: “Around 3600 BC people of a different physical type appeared in Egypt: more squat, broad-leaved and more heavy-weight in appearance.
They were possibly Armenoids who came in small groups from Syria and Palestine. Most likely, they were ones who brought metalworking skills with them, because after 3600 static agricultural communities began to develop.”
It was with their help the reign of the first pharaohs began, the very first of which was Mina (Man, Menes, Minas). The Egyptian Copts still use “Ara”, which means father, lord, as a way of respectful addressing.
“Heiress of the throne, beneficent, the embodiment of beauty, the sweetness of love, Lady of North and South, beloved of Aten in flesh, the first wife of the pharaoh, beloved master of both lands, great in love and forever living Nefertiti…”
Neferneferuaten Nefertiti was born in 1370 BC, but Egyptologists still are unable to come to a final conclusion on where and in what family she was born.
Many believed that the very name of the queen conceals the secret of her origin. From Egyptian Nefertiti is translated as “arrival of the beauty”, which might mean she came to Egypt from another region. Parents raised her in the traditions of the monotheistic Aryan religion which worships the sun as the only deity.
Nefertiti was probably sent by her father to Egypt as a gift to Pharaoh Amenhotep IV in the “House of Ornaments” (harem) and became one of hundreds of foreign princesses brought to give birth sons of the lord.
Read also: From Mitanni to the Kingdom of Van

6 thoughts on “Armenia And Ancient Egypt”
Thank very much for the wealth of info you bring o us about our unique Armenian history and culture. It enriches me, fills me with greater confidence to stand tall and defend what is rightfully Armenian as well as enlighten those who may know little about Armenians but not enough about its 12,000 yr old presence, origin, historic significance and its far-reaching geo-political endeavors. Love your work; what a treasure to pass along to our offspring. Much gratitude. ARDA
There are articles on the Web stating that Nefertiti was a daughter of Mitanni king. Also that DNA testing has proved that Nefertiti’s DNA matched the Armenian DNA, along with Tutankhamun and Queen Tyre.
Would like to know what your assessment is on these and also if it is correct that Mitannis assimilated into Armenian.
Mitani was the first powerful Armenian state on the territory of the Armenian Highland. Angela Terian – The Historian
Thanks for your feedback
One other thing you could bring up is some of the linguistic similarities between ancient Egyptian and Armenian, as well as the theory that the Hyksos people who invaded Egypt after the Old Kingdom were from the Armenian highlands.