Fifty years ago it was impossible to analyze DNA. Few decades later there was some progress, but such an analysis was still more close to fantasy than reality. More recently the ghostly possibility of this kind of analysis cost a very large amount of money while today it is quite common.
The ease of DNA analysis gives us various opportunities. For instance, it helps Armenians nullify pathetic attempts of their neighbors to appropriate the historic territories of Armenian Highlands.
Science is developing so rapidly that it might be possible to take an air sample from the Armenian Highland in order to determine all the falsity and senselessness of the propaganda which neighboring states are spending huge sums of money on.
So far, numerous analyses have been performed:
1. According to the study of the Department of Evolutionary Biology of Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology, Tartu, Estonia, conducted in 2004, the ancestors of Armenians lived in different parts of Armenia, Georgia, Azerbaijan and Turkey, which shows that historical Armenia was much larger territory than the present Republic of Armenia.
2. Study of DAT1 VNTR alleles and genotypes among old ethnic groups of Mesopotamia conducted in 2007 by Banoi, Chalesti, Sanyati, Shariati, Hauschman, Majidzade, Soltani and Goliapur concluded, that Armenians are an ethnic group of native people of Caucasus and eastern Anatolia where there is a great concentration of this community, especially in Armenia.
3. Movsesian and Kochar, 2000, “The skull similarity between modern Armenians and Armenians of 1600 – 700 BC points out the continuity of the genetic connection with the ancient population.”
4. “Armenians are a separate ethnic group that emerged from the Neolithic tribes of the Armenian Highlands,” S. Litvinov, A. Kutuev, V. Yunusbaev, R. Khusainova, R. Valiev, E. Khusnutdinova.
5. “40% of Armenian genes date back to the Paleolithic era,” Levon Yepiskoposyan said.
6. Armenians belong to 13 different genetic groups, ages of which are tens of thousands of years old. At the same time, in the last 4000 years there are no traces of any invaders or foreigners in the DNA of the Armenians which makes them “homogeneous in all their diversity.”
As a result of testing of more than 300 samples it was found out that the Armenian DNA branches are the basis of many branches of Europe.
Armenians without a doubt have always found the strength and the ability to renew throughout time, continuing to live. Different nations at different time periods named Armenia and Armenians differently.
The Sumerians called Armenia Aratta, the Akkadians who succeeded the Sumerians in the second half of the third millennium BC called them Armani or Armanum.
The Hittites, who established an empire in the second millennium BC, used the name Hayas, and the Assyrians, who arose in the second half of the second millennium BC called them Uruatri or Urartu (Ararat in the Bible).
Now those people no longer exist in their original form, and the names of Armenia they used perished with them.
Aratta is considered the first Armenian state mentioned in ancient texts. Records about Armenia can be found in the old Sumerian Epos about Gilgamesh. It is believed that these texts are approximately 4800 years old but this does not mean that the state of Aratta did not exist even before that.
Potbelly Hill (Turkish: Göbekli Tepe, Armenian: Պորտասար or Պորտաբլուր) temple complex was built about 12000 years ago in the Southeastern Anatolia Region of modern-day Turkey, indicating the existence of a high level of organization of society (Armenian state?) back then which is undoubtedly necessary for such a grandiose work.
Quentin Atkinson and Russell Gray have proven that the Armenian language has already been isolated from the common mainland in the Armenian Highlands, the theorized ancestral homeland of Indo-Europeans, about 8500 years ago.
See more: Genetic evidence for an origin of the Armenians from Bronze Age mixing of multiple populations
9 thoughts on “DNA Analysis of Armenians”
The issue of whether Armenians built Portasar, or in gibberish Gobekli Tepe, can be determined and proved very easily. National Geographic has mapped out the world’s population migrations going back 150,000 years ago. My DNA from the Genographic project test by National Geographic states that my Mitochondrial DNA “M” and “RO” markers migrated to that region from the near east 60,000 years ago and stayed and my paternal Y chromosome markers “M578” and “M304” were in the region roughly the same time as my maternal markers.
I also have a direct Y chromosome link to Pharaoh Akhenaten and King Tut according to them. Who, nowadays wants to prove National Geographic wrong and accuse it of bad science?
Why this need to ideologize origins?
What is the relationship between specific DNA analyzes and ideology?
Specific DNA Analysis and Ideology
not analyzes
I am Armenian and i’ going to say something that might rub armenians the wrong way. i always sensed that us Armenians have certain level of pride and arrogance that in turn has rubbed many cultures the wrong way. when i speak to my elders or someone who knows of armenian history, it is always “we were the ones who invented that and this”…this is not great and i have someone above linking his dna to a pharaoh as it is some sort of victory and proof of superiority of some sort. some Armenians need to humble down a bit.
the History of humanity is long and complicated. there were a lot of migrations and mixing with other cultures. in the beginning we ourselves weren’t armenians. the tower of babel is maybe a metaphor of the curse that language brings with it. it has it’s upside and downside (considering ourselves separate from others).
we are all children of one god.
as for Gobekli tepe, all findings so far indicate that it was predominantly a temple made by neolithic people belonging to the armenian plateau. there are some symbols on the slabs which are also found in the pyramids and in the Mayan culture. it is a mystery whose truth is being manipulated by turkish lobbies. it would be great if someone gathers all the misinformations and obfuscations that the turks are spreading about portasar and make a case with unesco world heritage committe. this place doesn’t belong to the Turks through which they can boost their rotten ego. and its builders must be rightfully credited. not one of the articles i have read specifies the identity of the builders
Yes, we are Armenians. There are many inventors among us, many scientific, legal and public figures. Yes, Nefertiti is Armenian. I propose to accept this, to know ourselves and accept ourselves as we are. It is this humility, and this knowledge, and nothing else, that will help us Armenians to fight against Turkish and other falsifications. And the Tower of Babel is not a metaphor or symbolism, it is a real building (structure).