The country of Armenia is rich in mountains. It is crowned by mountain ranges with emerald slopes and cold water springs. They have been as if placed by the Creator in order to protect the people from invaders.
In Armenia, there are many sacred mountains. One of them is Mount Sepukh in Greater Armenia. It is known that Trdat the Great, the king who adopted Christianity as a state religion, has often repented and prayed here. He asked God for forgiveness for his sins – the murder of the nun Hripsime, as well as the imprisonment and torture of Christianity preacher Gregory the Illuminator in Khor Virap.
The silence of these hills during the deep nights would be shaken by his sobs throughout the 65 days of prayers and fasting. From here, he would roll down black blocks from which the main entrance to the temple of St. Hripsime would be built, and his wife and sister would carry crushed stones in their hems.
Having embarked on a righteous path, Trdat would more than once climb Sepukh with prayers for the people’s good and prosperity.
When death was very near, King Trdat the Great ascended the mountain for the last time. And the first Catholicos of Armenia, Gregory the Illuminator, was with him. Trdat drew out his sword and in mute awe handed it to the Catholicos. Gregory accepted the gift.
The Catholicos clenched his fist, and the sword became suspended in the air in the air. An unknown force emanated from the sword – it swayed, whirled, and emitted a bright radiance.
King Trdat left. And St. Gregory, an old man, retired to Mount Sepukh where he would spend his last days as a hermit.
People say that the light from that radiance can still be seen on Mount Sepukh. But only the worthy can see it.