DNA and the Origins of Peoples: The Armenians (With Video)

DNA and the Origins of Peoples: The ArmeniansHovann Simonian and Peter Hrechdakian gave a lecture on the work done in the noncommercial Armenian DNA project. In the course of the work, the opportunities of social networks were widely used.

DNA analysis is a relatively new technology that opens a different perspective on the deep history of the peoples in general and Armenians in this particular case.

Why are the Armenians so interesting? First of all, the Armenians are an ancient people living practically in all corners of the earth. Despite that, the Armenian genes have not changed significantly.

Besides, about a year ago, a new DNA analysis technology was developed. On the basis of found bones and other biological material, the new technology allows for accurate determination of the connections of ancient people with modern populations in any parameter.

Studying ancient DNA makes it possible to penetrate the depths of the past, which have been unreachable until recently. And the constantly improving methods of DNA analysis make it possible to investigate even the oldest and poorly preserved samples.

DNA & the Origins of Peoples: The Armenians

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