Today, the efforts of many cultural, scientific, and political figures with world names are contributing to the recognition of Armenia. This is evidenced by numerous publications in media all around the world.
Results of archaeological excavations and DNA analyses carried out in Armenia have been published in such editions as the scientific journal Nature, The New York Times, BBC, and in many other renowned media resources.
But in the meantime, in the territory of Syunik Province in Armenia, with the full connivance of the Ministry of Culture of Armenia and the Armenian government are carried out “archaeological excavations” that are destroying the ancient monument and observatory Karahunj, also known as the Armenian Stonehenge.
This artifact is important not only because it is thousands of years old but also because it attests to a connection between various civilizations around the globe: similar structures have been found outside Armenia as well.
Why and who does something that is endangering the monument? Against the background of a heightened interest towards Karahunj – mainly thanks to the efforts of Armenian scientist Paris Herouni – some individuals considering themselves academic scientists propagandize that Karahunj is actually just an ancient burial ground, even though it has been established that it had been an ancient observatory.
The theory of Paris Herouni that Karahunj had been an ancient observatory was confirmed by leading academicians from around the globe. Karahunj was even included into National Geographic’s list of top ancient observatories.
Thereby, all the “scientific statements” of the aforementioned “academic scientists” were, in fact, rejected, forcing them to resort to extreme measures, that is, wiping out Karahunj, the oldest observatory known to mankind.
Another version is that someone needed the territory to build a restaurant or whatnot in it. To do that, the “scientists” are promoting that Karahunj is merely a burial ground and doesn’t have any significant value.
And the last version is that those scientists have been bribed to undermine the identity, history, and culture of Armenia.
by Vigen Avetisyan