The Turkish Foreign Ministry Denies The Existence Of The Grey Wolves Terrorist Movement

The Turkish Foreign Ministry reacted to the decision of the French government to ban the extremist organization “Grey Wolves”. This organization unites Turkish nationalists in the country.

The Turkish Foreign Ministry denies the existence of the Grey Wolves terrorist movement, arguing that “inferring from the actions of individuals about the existence of a movement or formation and making an imaginary decision about this is nothing more than a manifestation of a contradictory psychology, which this country is in.”

The statement says that the mentioned decision to ban the organization also shows that the French government has already become “a prisoner of Armenian circles.”

“The French government once again shows that it continues to ignore the growing provocations, threats, and attacks of the fanatical Armenian diaspora in this country, which are directed against our citizens and diplomatic missions in recent months,” the Turkish Foreign Ministry stated.


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