Anti-Armenian Racism in Azerbaijan is Felt Constantly – Michel Onfray

Anti-Armenian Racism in Azerbaijan is Felt Constantly“In Azerbaijan, anti-Armenian racism is felt constantly – hysterical, reckless, passionate, and dangerous,” said French philosopher and prose writer Michel Onfray in an interview with the French-Armenian magazine “Nouvelles d’Arménie.”

The philosopher visited Azerbaijan at the invitation of his friend, a composer of modern music Pierre Thilloy. Regarding the impressions of this trip, Onfray said that because of his friendship, he does not want to give details.

“However, I had a strong feeling of discomfort,” he noted.

In response to a question about whether he felt anti-Armenian racism in Azerbaijan, the French philosopher said: “Constantly… It was hysterical, reckless, passionate, dangerous.” Responding to a question about whether he supports the right of Nagorno-Karabakh to self-determination, Michel Onfray said: “Clearly, yes.”

2 thoughts on “Anti-Armenian Racism in Azerbaijan is Felt Constantly – Michel Onfray

  1. Voici un lien très important où Michel Onfray intervient et exprime une idée assez vague :

    Je trouve que son positionnement n’est clair sur rien. J’aurais aimé avoir des précisions de sa part !! L’Arménie n’a jamais commis aucun genocide nul part ! J’espère qu’il le sait.

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