Antranik TsarouKian, Poets and novelists are one of the most prominent Armenian Diaspora literature. He was born in the village of Gurinne in the region of Sebasadia and died in Paris. He survived the massacres and was transported through several casualties until his arrival and settled in Aleppo, so he missed the evacuation paths during the massacres suffered by the Armenian people in 1915.
He grew up in Mitm in Aleppo between 1918-1922 and graduated from the Haikazian school, then continued his studies in Lebanon.
He taught in Armenian schools in Aleppo, but he found himself in the literary literature and line of creations in his new homeland Syria and Lebanon, and in Aleppo, he founded the monthly literary magazine “Nairi” (1941-1949) which turned into a weekly and issued in Beirut (1952-1983) and was also the head of editorial journalism The Daily Arrival (1946)
Tsaroukian wrote about Armenian flags in his first work titled “Miserable Poets” (1932). He depicted in his prose and poetic works the life of the orphan generation, hopes, ambitions, and aspirations in the diaspora.
He collected his poems in his collection “Arakasdner” (1939), which included sad chants such as the poem “Let the Soil Be Light” which expresses the sad tormented immigrant spirit. His poem “Here is the paper, Yerevan” (1945) Toukht ar Yerevan, which gained popularity, was written in Eastern Armenian and emphasized his love and loyalty to his homeland Armenia, for its heroic past, present and future.
Tsaroukian lived torn in his depths because of the suffering of his people from exile and persecution, which inspired him by the novel “People Without Childhood” (1952), a distinguished emigrant literary work, whose heroes are orphans, and he is one of them, living amidst an atmosphere of deprivation, misery, and alienation, while the theater is an orphanage in h Lip.
This novel is one of his most prominent writings his autobiography in which he presented a portrait of his generation. What makes this work different is its unique style and image, and his way of expressing what is in his mind, and the novel has been translated into several languages including Arabic. The novel “Aleppo the Dream” (1979) came as a complement to that novel, which is his diary and memories when he was in Aleppo.
In 1935, Tsaroukian wrote a novel titled “The Dust” in which he pictures the world as big cigarette dust and people as wrappers burning on the lips of fate. His novel “Old Dreams New Paths” (1960) is a collection of his memories and impressions after he visits Soviet Armenia. Also from his novels “The Last Innocent” (1980) and “Love in the Massacres” (1987)
In Beirut, in 1999, a collection of his articles about his meetings in Europe with Armenians who retained their national identity was published under the title “Armenians Shining in the Lights of Europe”
Antranik Tsaroukian is one of the most prominent Armenian diaspora doctors who influenced the lives of massacres and orphans and opened his literature to Arab soil, and his work gained a prestigious position in Armenian literature.