Armenia, Colombia
The Colombian city of Armenia was named after a local estate owned by Armenians.
The number of inhabitants increased rapidly, and on October 14, 1889, the authorities recognized Armenia as a city. Although the village had originally been named after the then incumbent president, inspired by the news about the Armenian Genocide in Turkey in 1915, the city was named Armenia.
The beginning of the world coffee boom has become a true economic miracle for Colombia, especially for areas where coffee was grown, including Armenia. There are practically no signs of poverty in Armenia, although the locals do not like excessive pomposity.
Today, Armenia is the youngest of all the capitals of the Colombian Departments and the center of the most economically prosperous region of the country, Quindio Department. The year-round moderate climate provides ideal conditions for the cultivation of elite varieties of coffee. It is no accident that Armenia is called the “coffee capital” of Colombia.
Armavir, Russia
Armavir in the Krasnodar Krai of Russia is one of the largest cities in the district. In spite of its Armenian name, the percentage of Armenians in the city’s population is only 7.8%.
Ararat, Australia
Ararat is a city in the state of Victoria, Australia. The city was founded in 1857. As of 2006, the population of Ararat was 8,215.
Ararat is located 190 km northwest of the second largest city of the republic, Melbourne. The climate here is pretty warm, and temperatures rarely drop below 0 degrees Celsius. The average annual precipitation is 592 mm, which is quite dry. For comparison, the global average annual precipitation is 715 mm.
Armyansk, Crimea
Armyansk was founded at the beginning of the 18th century by Armenians and Greeks who had arrived from the fortress of Or-Kapu (Perekop). Since the 1730s up to 1921, the city was named Ermeni-Bazar (“Armenian Bazaar” in the Crimean Tatar language). In 1921, it was renamed Armyansk. Armyansk received the status of a city in 1993, which makes it the youngest city in Crimea.