In the language of the inhabitants of Eritrea, Luys (Լույս) means light, as well as in Armenian (Luys also derives from the Armenian name, for example, the Scottish Isle of Lewis). In Swedish, luys also means light.
The capital city is Asmara, which in Armenian may means “This is ours” (Աս մերնա)!! The lion on the coat of arms is like a lion on the arms of Cilician Armenia. Photo 1.
In ancient times, Eritrea was known as the “Land of the Gods”, Egyptian pharaohs dreamed about it for another 2900 years before the new era. In the territory of modern Eritrea the very first human settlement was noted in the Barka Valley and dates back to 8000 BC.
Far in the northern part of the inhospitable volcanic desert, known as Dankali, almost 60 km south of the port of Massawa, the ancient ruins of the Aksumite city of Adulis lie. Founded in the sixth century BC, and thus the oldest monument of ancient civilizations in Eritrea, Adulis was a large port of the Kingdom of Axum and already then traded with the Mediterranean, Africa and India. Almost all of its structures (98%) still hide the bowels of the earth, but archaeological evidence suggests that it was one of the greatest cities of antiquity, a rival to Giza and Phenicia, whose greatness has yet to be revealed to future scholars.
Aksum, kingdom of Aksum-an ancient Ethiopian state that existed in the II-XI centuries on the territory of modern Sudan, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Yemen and Arabia. Ancient Egyptian sources speak of an even more ancient country, Punt, which existed in the Horn of Africa.
Eritrea is a rather closed country and there is little information about it. Foreigners travel around the country with special permits. Eritrea is an extremely poor country; the economic growth has been hindered by the 30-year liberation war with Ethiopia. Photo 2, 3, 4 are the exhibits of the Asmara National Museum.
The Chronicles of Hadesh (VII century AD) talks about the Armenian island in the town of Desse near Eritrea. In Desse, the Armenians formed the settlement Hayk/Հայկ near Lake Hayk, where there is a monastery of St. Stepanos. In the 16th century, the Muslims destroyed this Church․ Nowadays there is an Ethiopian church on the ruins of an Armenian church.
Now the freshwater lake Haik (hāyḳ) belongs to Ethiopia, located north of Desse in the South Volo zone in the Amhara region. The city of Hayk is located to the west of the lake.
Dimensions of the lake: length – 6.7 km, width – 6 km, surface area is 23 km. The maximum depth is 88 m, located at an altitude of 2030 meters above sea level. Photo 5-9.
Ethiopia has Lake Koka Hayk, to the north of Desse there is Lake Hardibo Hayk, as well as Lake Basaka Hayk in the center of the Oromiya region.
I will add that the Ethiopian calendar (as well as the ancient Armenian calendar) has 13 months. Each month consists of 30 days. The last 13th month (for Armenians Հավելյաց/Havelyats) consists of 5-6 days and is called Pagume/Փագումե/Пагуме, which in Armenian means “to close”, “to finish”, but in Ethiopian this word does not mean anything.
The Armenian and Ethiopian languages have many consonant words; we also know that our alphabets are very similar. This is all subject to study.