The Ingá Stone is located in the middle of the Ingá River near the small town of Ingá 96 km from João Pessoa, Paraíba State, northeastern Brazil.
Pedra de Ingá is also called “Itacoatiara”. Translated from the Tupi language, the word “Ita” means “stone”, while “kshatiara” means “striped” or “painted”.
The Ingá Stone is a rock formation covering an area of about 250 square meters. Basically, it is a vertical wall 46 meters long and 3.8 meters high. The age of the stone is over 6000 years. It is an archaeological wonder with hundreds of strange symbols.
Scientists from all over the world have tried to decipher the symbols – unsuccessfully. It is only known that the stone contains Egyptian, Phoenician, and Sumerian symbols, as well as symbols similar to the Rongorongo of Easter Island and symbols from Nostratic languages.
On the stone, you can see the constellations of Orion, Cygnus (Vulture/Անգղ in Armenian), the Milky Way, and others. It also contains reports of an impending global catastrophe, methods of opening mental doors and traveling to multidimensional worlds, mathematical formulas, equations, figures of animals, fruits, people, and much more.
Who left such knowledge on this stone 6000 years ago? How is it possible that people knew all this in the past?
One hypothesis assigns the petroglyphs of Ingá exceptional importance from the archaeoastronomical point of view. In 1976, Spanish engineer Francisco Pavía Alemany started a mathematical study of this archaeological monument. The first results were published in 1986 by Instituto of Arqueologia Brasileira (Pavía Alemany F., 1986).
Pavía Alemany identified a series of “bowls” and another petroglyph etched into the vertical surface of the wall that formed a “solar calendar”, over which a gnomon projected the shadow of the first solar rays every day.
In 2005, Agrupación Astronómica de la Safor published a summary of this work in its official bulletin “Huygens No. 53” (Pavía Alemany F., 2005).
Later, F. Pavía continued the study, focusing on a series of signs engraved on the rocky surface, which he interpreted as a large number of “stars” forming “constellations”. The coexistence of “bowls” and “constellations” on a single stone gives it archaeoastronomical significance and makes it an exceptional monument – unlike any other in the world.
In 2006, Egyptologist and archaeoastronomer Jose Lull coordinated the publication of the book “Trabajos de Arqueoastronomía. Ejemplos de Africa, America, Europe y Oceania”. This is a compendium of thirteen articles written by archaeoastronomers.
Among the included items is “The archaeoastronomical ensemble of Inga”. It covers the study of the bowls and constellations mentioned before.