Gandzasar Monastery, Artsakh – An Unexploded Shell by the Wall

Gandzasar Monastery, ArtsakhThe inscription on the outer wall of Gandzasar monastery reads: “The church was gunned on October 29, 1992. Unexploded shell. Do not touch.”

As a result of a deliberate bombardment by the Azerbaijani long-range artillery and air force during the Nagorno-Karabakh War, Gandzasar monastery was severely damaged.

On January 20, 1993, the monastery was subjected to an air missile attack which damaged the main temple of the complex and ruined a monastic building. However, the monastery is now mostly restored. Currently, the construction works of a seminary are carried out.

On October 16, 2008, the “big wedding” of 687 pairs took place in the Republic of Artsakh. 550 of them got married in Ghazanchetsots Cathedral and the rest in Gandzasar monastery.

On July 11, 2010, the monastery turned 770 years old. The clergy of Artsakh prepared a large celebratory event for the anniversary. Pargev Martirosyan, the Archbishop of the Artsakh Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church, served a liturgy in the St John the Baptist Cathedral.

Aside from that, Stepanakert hosted an exhibition of artworks dedicated to Gandzasar monastery. Many guests were invited to the celebration of the monastery’s 770th from both Armenia and abroad.


Монастырь Гандзасар – «Гора сокровищ»

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