A Film About the History of Armenian Typography Shown in London

A Film About the History of Armenian

A presentation of the film “Voskan Yerevantsi” about the history of Armenian book printing took place in London in September 2017. The story of the film is based on the Bishop Voskan Yerevantsi (Voskan of Yerevan), thanks to whom the first Bible in Armenian was published in the printing house of the Armenian Apostolic Church of Amsterdam in 1666-1668.

The film notes that books in Armenian were published in as early as 1512 in Venice, but the publication of the Bible by Voskan of Yerevan elevated the Armenian people and their language to the international level of world culture.

The film was produced by well-known Armenian journalist and TV host Nver Mnatsakanyan and directed by Hakob Papazyan, who is the chief director of the information service of the Public Television of Armenia. The script was written by journalist Vahram Martirosyan.

Held in London on September 5, 2017, the premiere of the film was organized by the Armenian General Benevolent Union (AGBU). The film “Voskan Yerevantsi” is a result of the cooperation of the studio TES and the Mekhitarist congregation.

The printing of the first Armenian Bible was huge for the time – 5.000 copies. Two books from the printing were special. Their cover was handmade, with Mother of God and Jesus Christ in her arms depicted on it. These Bibles were presented to the French King Louis XIV and Pope Clement IX.

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