The Hittites, flourishing between 1600-1200 BC in regions now known as modern Turkey, Northern Syria, and Northern Iraq, have long captured the interest of scholars and history enthusiasts. The ancient kingdom they formed, referred to as Hittia, was not just a stronghold of culture and power but also a crossroad of civilizations. Intriguingly, historical connections often link the Hittites to the Armenians, even to the extent that their names were at times used interchangeably.
A Land Rich in Heritage
Situated beyond the contemporary borders of Armenia, the territory of the Hittites still bears echoes of a shared past. Historical records and archeological findings reveal layers of connection between these two ancient peoples, offering tantalizing hints of a relationship that may have been more profound.
Emblems of Mystery: Artifacts of the Hittites
Among the various relics that shed light on Hittite culture, a golden amulet housed in the British Museum stands as a vivid emblem. The amulet, artistically rendered in Hittite style, portrays a deity adorned with Mithra’s headdress. This artifact isn’t just a piece of art; it’s a reflection of the spiritual depth and artistic excellence that marked Hittite civilization.
The British Museum’s collection serves as a gateway for those eager to explore further, with the golden amulet being a significant highlight, symbolizing the faith and creativity of the Hittites.
Bridging Cultures: The Armenian-Hittite Connection
The hypothesis linking the Hittites to the Armenians, initially introduced by P. Jensen, finds its roots in shared linguistic and cultural traits. This connection, still a subject of study, hints at a relationship deeper than mere historical association. Some scholars even venture to consider the Hittites as relatives or forerunners of the Armenians, although definitive evidence is yet to be found.
Unraveling the Threads of History
The fusion of Hittite and Armenian histories paints a vibrant picture of an age marked by cultural fluidity and mutual influence. As investigators continue to probe this connection, relics like the golden amulet play a crucial role in illuminating a resonance that transcends time.
The relationship between the Hittites and Armenians is more than a fascinating footnote in history. It’s a multifaceted narrative waiting to be fully unraveled. Whether through tangible artifacts or linguistic parallels, this connection beckons us to explore further. It’s not just a testament to human heritage but an inspiring testament to the complexity and interconnectedness of our past.
Vigen Avetisyan
Illustration source: Gayane Ayvazyan Հայաստան Armenia Армения
“The self-name of the Armenians is derived from the Hittite, for the Hattians Ḫāti. The Hittites borrowed this ethnonym from the more ancient inhabitants of Asia Minor, the Hattians, to whose lands they migrated from the west.” This hypothesis was first proposed by the 19th-century German professor P. Jensen in his book “The Hittites and Armenians” (Strasbourg, 1898), who considered the Armenian language a continuation of the Hittite based on the decipherment of the Hittite language.