“If we are capable of connecting with a nation spiritually, we can say that our soul has acquired the ability to empathize with nations.
I will profess truth. But if my people do not do the same, they will face frequent discord and even separation.
I accept that everyone who selfishly puts his “I” above all else is a criminal who encroaches on the great unity of our People.
I realize that by separating from the people, the person first dies spiritually and then only submissively reconciles with the death of his people.
I accept that the needs of the Nation are and will be before the needs of any individual, family, party, or community. The people who do not accept this imperative truth are doomed, at least, to political death.
For me, my Country and everything Armenian are beyond my own, individual life.

I am guided by the ethics of the Nation, which will purify my essence from slavery and selfishness. It means that I accept the law of the ideological and moral imperative, according to which my further life should be an undivided, complete, and unremitting service to my people.
The worldview of an individual must serve his people and the state. His happiness is only justified by the service for the happiness of his people.
Every month, every day, every minute, I try to melt the ice mountain dividing the Armenian parties with the fire of my word.
I accept that where the idea of the need for unity of the society begins, any political and theological bias must disappear.
I also accept that each of our inner rivals, be he either an unfamiliar companion or brother, has to be woken up and attracted to our side. He must be disarmed spiritually, but not cast down or destroyed.
The Motherland cannot be erected on the rock of hatred of other nations.
I accept the law of self-sacrifice in the name of the Nation so that the sacred flame of its altar never goes out.
I profess the Free, Independent, and United Armenia.
I bow to my Armenian Nation, a Heracles, who has not yet realized his strength, seven times.
I believe in our future.
I anticipate and mentally welcome the Country of Armenia, which was Great and Happy yesterday and will again be tomorrow.”
Read also: When the Turks and Bolsheviks Conspired Against Armenia – Garegin Nzhdeh