Why Was Garegin Nzhdeh Victorious in Syunik in 1921?

Why Was Garegin Nzhdeh Victorious

Why was Garegin Nzhdeh victorious in Syunik in 1921? Because he chose the right tactics and only relied on his army.

By creating a cohesive and combat-ready national military structure and not expecting any support from anyone, he successfully repelled all the attacks of the enemy. And, most importantly, he did not believe anyone and did not let himself be deceived. And this fact is, perhaps, an exceptional phenomenon in Armenian history.

We present excerpts from the open message of Nzhdeh to the “commanders of the Russian 11th Red Army”:

“It was you who by deception doomed the rebellious and freedom-loving Karabakh, Syunik, and Vayots Dzor to plunder and devastation. Along with social disintegration, you godlessly beheaded the people inhabiting this mountainous region.

It was you who, neglecting the most elementary demands of revolutionary ethics, consciously allied with the most reactionary, culture-destroying, and Armenian-hating powers in the East and turned yesterday’s republican Armenia into a Kemalist country.

Hell instead of the promised paradise. Instead of a thousand benefits, you brought hunger, syphilis, blood, tears, and slaughter to the Armenian working people.

At your wish, the Turks invaded here, but they will not leave even if you order them. And admit it, if the Kemalists have a political opportunity to go to Yerevan, your troops trained only in looting and specialized in killing Karabakh women and children won’t feel the obligation to protect the Armenian workers beheaded by your hand.

That’s how you came, deceived, robbed, made the people rebel, and lost. You lost because you had to lose, because it was a verdict of history, because mankind wanted it that way.

You lost because you lost morally in your Russia, your ruined and decapitated homeland. Because every step and every action you take is a moral defeat and ethical suicide.”

Goris, February 24, 1921

Ruben Shukhyan

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