Human, combine your forces with the forces of your fellow believers in the name of happiness of the vast whole – such is today’s and tomorrow’s social demand!
In other words, one should seek his own good in the welfare of society. Anyone who contrasts personality with society is guilty before both the one and the other.
Outside of the life and content of the nation, an individual is nothing. Soldier, die a glorious death so that your native land does not feel ashamed to accept your body! The wound received on the battlefield is a magnificent decoration for a daredevil.
The winner is the one who set himself the goal of winning, winning at all costs. An independent Fatherland is necessary precisely to turn you, those poor in spirit, into perfect people and Armenians worthy of independence.
We must win, win so as not to lose the right to exist. There is no death – only the cowardly, cowardly die, only those die who have already died. It’s armies that are fighting, while it’s nations that are winning.