Excavations in Armenian Highland Near Armenian historical town Arhan (now Ergani in Diarbekir region of Turkey) 9500-year-old town with very high culture was excavated in 80-es of last century [91].
The monumental houses of this town were built according to one general project. Many tools, instruments and weapons made from copper and marks of developed agriculture were found. It was, of course, Armenian town (are h ean = town of AR worshipers), so the Copper Age in Armenia began about 10 thousand years ago, or more than 5000 years earlier than it is accepted in general.
Territory of present Armenia Carahunge Observatory, the oldest in the World, was built and operated more than 7500 years ago (see PART 1). It was a large and developed observatory with many stone astronomical instruments of high accuracy.
Old Armenian scientists had very high knowledge. They knew that the Earth is ball-formed, measured its sizes. They knew that the Earth rotates around its own axis and around the Sun, knew mathematics, cosmogony, written language.
They projected and built other large monuments in other latitudes, as the Great Pyramid and Stonehenge. Science, of course, is connected with culture, art. For example, Armenian researcher of Shakespeare E. Vandanian thinks that Armenian theatre was born about 8000 years ago [l08].
Developed Armenian Culture (so-called Cour-Arracsian Culture) of the period from 8000 years ago and earlier, until 11 mill. BC presented by the results of many excavations on the territory of present Armenia between rivers Cour (Kura) and Aracs (Stengavit, Shannidar, Mokhrablour, Vannadzor, Lehashen, Aggarak, ete.), The artifices were made from stones, wood, copper, bronze, gold, silver, glass and further (111-11 mill. BC) from iron and steel.
These are tools, instruments, statuettes, finery, dishes, etc. Many of the same artifices were found in other countries, particularly in Europe, appertained to ID-II mill. BC. The inhabitants of this territory were always Armenians. Why did they call this culture “Cour-Arracsian” and their language ”Hourite Urartian”, instead of Armenian?
These authors use whatever words just not to say “Armenia, Armenian, Armenians”. Why? In Fig. 80 the bronze statuette of the Aries is presented (XIV-XIII cent. BC) found by archaeologist Professor T. Khachatourian during excavations near village Arrich on the North slope of Mount Aragats.
The Aries stands on anchor which was necessary to fIX the statuette on cart. The body of Aries is empty inside where metallic balls are put. When the cart moved, the tinkle was ringing out and “evil spirits” ran away. Specialists say, that to cast (found) such a figure, it was necessary to have the high technology.
Metsamor was a big old metallurgical plant, placed with its Museum in Ararat Valley, about 30 km from Yerevan. Here, beginning from V mill. BC, metal was smelted in big quantities. It was at first copper, gold, silver, bronze, then (from 111-11 mill. BC) iron and steel, and also beads from colour glass. The production of Metsamor plant was widely sent abroad. Many excavations in Metsamor were done [92].
An extract from the book “Armenians and Ancient Armenia” by Paris Herouni