Tabula Asiae III [Black Sea and Caspian Sea Region]
Map Creator: Sebastian Münster
Location / Date: Basel / 1542
Description: A prime example of a Ptolemaic map by Münster for the region between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea, extending southward to include all of Greater Armenia and part of Lesser Armenia.
Münster’s map features Noah’s Ark in the Caspian Sea, which according to the map, landed on a mountain in Armenia. The map depicts Greater Armenia, Iberia, Albania, Colchis, the Euphrates River, Tigris, Assyria, and many other place names in the cradle of civilization. The map remains unchanged compared to its 1540 edition.
Sebastian Münster’s geographical map was a cartographic landmark, standing alongside the maps of Ptolemy, as well as a host of contemporary guide maps, including the first separate maps of the four continents, the first map of England, and the earliest available map of Scandinavia.
Münster dominated mid-16th-century cartographic publishing. He is typically considered one of the three most important map creators of the 16th century, alongside Ortelius and Mercator.
Münster was a linguist and mathematician who originally taught Hebrew in Heidelberg. He published his first cartography in Germany in 1529, after which he published geographical information about Germany for scholars across the country.
The result was better than expected and included substantial third-party material, providing him with current, if not necessarily accurate, maps for his Geography, published in 1540.

Map of Greater Armenia, Colchis, Iberia, Albania, -1535-1400 Description: Jacobus Angelus following Claudius Ptolemy, “Claudius Ptolemy’s Cosmography” Date: 1467

In 1467, Jacobus Angelus followed Ptolemy’s Cosmography. Description: Tabula Asiae III, Armenia, Iberia, Colchis, and more. Date: 1579 Author: Gerardus Mercator (1512-1594)

Tabula Asiae III, Map of Greater Armenia, Colchis, Iberia, Albania – 1579 Description: Tabula Asiae III: Greater Armenia, Colchis, Iberia, Albania Date: 1535 Source: National Library of France Author: Michael Servetus (1511-1553)

Asia Tabula III Colchis, Iberia, Albania, Armenia, 1535 Title: Tercia Asiae Tabula (Armenia, etc.) (With early manuscript additions) Cartographer: Martin Waldseemüller Location/Date: Lorraine / 1513 Description: A vivid example of a Waldseemüller map between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea, centered on Armenia.
The first modern atlas was prepared by Martin Waldseemüller, using translations by Matthias Ringmann. This is one of the most important editions of Ptolemy, featuring many new regional maps. Twenty new maps, based on contemporary knowledge, were added by Waldseemüller in addition to the traditional 27 Ptolemaic maps obtained from the 1482 Ulm edition.
Martin Waldseemüller and his assistant Matthias Ringmann prepared this Ptolemaic edition, partly funded by Duke René of Lorraine. It was completed by Jacobus Escler and Georg Ubelin.
The atlas contains the first map in the atlas fully dedicated to America (Tabula terre nove), often called the “Admiral’s map” after Columbus. The map of Lorraine (the first map of the Duchy of Lorraine), printed in black, red, and olive, is one of the earliest examples of color printing. This edition was reprinted in 1520 using the same engraving blocks.

Title: Tabula Tertia Asiae [Title on Verso – Armenia and the Caspian Region] Map Maker: Laurent Fries Location/Date: Lyon / 1541 Description: A magnificent map of Armenia and the regions between the Black Sea, the Caspian Sea, and the Caucasus Mountains.
One of the earliest available maps of the region and one of the most vividly engraved. Latin text on the layout.

Tabula Tertia Asiae 1541
Source: vstrokax.net
Translate by Vigen Avetisyan