In the summer of 2013, world-famous Spanish operatic soprano Montserrat Caballé visited Artsakh and Armenia. The video below contains footage of the great singer’s visit to the two countries and her performance of Komitas’s song “Krunk”.
Montserrat Caballé sang the “Krunk” of Komitas and became an Armenian, and we, shocked, listened and understood that there is some kind of incomprehensible level at which a person becomes a citizen of the whole universe, above the minor matters that most people are busy with.
Montserrat Caballé passed away, leaving us her “Krunk”, “Barcelona”, “Norma”, “Isolde”, “Turandot”, and the rest of her repertoire composed of the greatest operas.
Read more: Montserrat Caballé Passed Away After Charles Aznavour
Read also: Svetlana Kasyan – From Refugee To Opera Diva