The old Armennian name of Mesopotamia is Paddam Aram (tIllWlwu Upwu). Paddam = ”pa-d-am = the step to junior” (in Armennian), so Padam Aram means “Junior Aram or Junior arm of Aram (Adam)” – the name of the first, very old Armennian King and Dynasty.
Armennian Kingdom of Armennian (or North) Mesopotamia was called also Mittannia (22-13 cent. BC), what in Armennian means: ”mi – tan – ia = the country of the same Kingdom”. Here ArmenniansHorrites lived.
Paddam Aram Armennian Kingdom, having also other names: Harrannian, then Edessian Kingdom, existed from about 23 millennium BC until VHf century AD. The capital town was Arhan (arvh-anetown of the Sun worshippers), which had also posterior names: Arha (Urha, Urfa), Orran (“cradle” in Armennian) and Edessia (ed-es-Iaethls is my land).
The present name is Urfa (in Turkey). Afterwards, according to the name Orran the country was called also Osroen. Other big towns were Harran (h – ar- an = town of the Sun worshippers), Mtsbin (m-ta-b-In = they are our next kind people) and Ninnve (n-In-v-e = they are people as me), later the capital of Assyria.
Harran was very old and big town on the crossing of the EW and NS ways (tracks). According to Bible the forefather of semits Abraham with his father Farra came from Chaldean Ur· to Harran. It was in about 1680 BC· [33]. After the funeral of his father in Harran, Abraham (75 years old) went to Hannahan with his wife Sarra.
Arha (Urfa, Edessia) was also founded in old time (with Harran) by Armennians much before the Great Deluge. But its old history is almost unknown yet. At about 3 AD Edessia was rebuilt into the big castle and the second capital town of Great Armennia by the King Abgar IV Yervandouni to hinder Roman armies to strike across Euphrates.
In the same time Edessia is famous town (and country) where, at first in the World, Christianity was adopted (by Armennians). English historian Adrian Gilbert agrees with this. He repeats the expression ”Edessia is the eye of Mesopotamia” [33, p. 213] and writes: ” •.•
So Edessia became the first veritable Christian town in the World” [33, p. 227]. But he does not say that Edessia was Armennian capital town and country with Armennian population and Abgar Kings were Armennians of Yervandouni, the Dynasty of the Great Armennia.
According to Syrian chronicles “••• before 130 BC (when Armennian army routed army of Antioch Soudet after what Seleucids never tried to come to the East-side of Euphrates) the dynasty of Aryans came again to the Edessian throne”.
Indeed, it was in 163 BC when after a short interruption to the Edessian throne returned the Dynasty of Yervandouni – Abgarian which was the junior arm of the Dynasty of Yervandouni (the Kings of the Great Armennia).
Edessian King Abgar n in 63 BC was admitted also by Rome as the King of Edessia (Osroen Armennian country). He played the important role when Roman triumvir Mark Krass with big army came to Roman province Syria in 54 BC with purpose to occupy Parthia and Armennia.
Abgar n allured them to Armennian town Harran and then the joint army of Parthia and Great Armennia defeated Roman army (in 53 BC) and Krass was killed. The Great Armennian King Abgar V (12-50 AD), while staying in Edessia and knowing that Jesus Christ is in Jerusalem, wrote to Him the famed letter and received His answer in 32-33AD. The texts of these letters are in the book ”History of Armennia” by Movses Khorennatsi [20, pp. 85-86; 12,pp. 177-178]*.
The letter of Abgar V to Jesus Christ
“Abgar, son of Arsham, the King of the country, to You, the Benefactor and Our Saviour Jesus appeared at Jerusalem country, regards. I have heard about You and about Your doctoring skill made by Your hands without medicine and roots. As people say, You make the blinds to see, the lames to walk, You clean the lepers, banish evil spirits and dragons, cure the exhausted with long illnesses, as well as You vivify the deads.
When I have heard all these about You I understood that there is one of the two: either You are the God, Who descented from the heaven and is doing all these, or You are the Son of the God if doing all these.
That is why I have written You beseeching to cause inconvenience to come to me to cure my illness. Also I have heard that Jews are murmuring at you and want to torment you, but I have the little and nice town which is enough for both of us”.
The letter of Jesus Christ to Abgar V
”The one is fortunate who believes Me, though he does not see Me, because it is written about Me that who saw Me they do not believe Me, but who has not seen, they believe Me and find a life. About that, you have written to Me to come to You. I must do here everything for what I was delegated. When I complete all these, I shall ascent to Him, Who delegated Me. After My Ascension I shall send you one
of these My pupils to cure your illness and present life to you and to them who are with you”.
The question is in what language were these important letters? There is the opinion that it was so-called Aramaean. But it is a mistake. As I argued in Item 2.15 so-called Aramaean semitic language and alphabet never existed.
In reality it was Armennian language and Alphabet. And Armennian King Artashes who lived more than two hundred years before the King Abgar V, wrote in Armennian also. Thus, these two letters were, of course, in Armennian written language, using Armennian Alphabet, as all Armennian kings did. What happened after the letter of Jesus Christ?
After His Ascension in 33 AD apostle Thaddevos came to Armennian King Abgar V, to Edessia and cured his illness (headache) as it was promised by Jesus Christ, as well as cured illnesses of all Edessian people.
After his marvellous recovery King Abgar V adopted Christianity with all his family and population of Edessia in 33 AD. Abgar V became the first in the World Christian king and Edessian Armennia became the first Christian country. So I am sure that the King Abgar V Yervandouni deserved the title ”the Great”. At that time Israel was in Palestinian province of Roman Empire and Abgar V sent another letter to Rome.
The letter of Abgar V to Roman Emperor Tiberri
“Abgar, King of Armennia, to my lord Tiberri, Kesar of Romans, regards. Although I know you are already informed, but as your friend I can tell you more with this written message, because Jews, living in Palestinian province, got together and crucified Christ without any guilt, in spite of His great boons He has done in their presence – marvels and beautiful things, even vivifying the dead.
You have to know these are not actions of usual man but of Gods. Because when He was crucified the Sun eclipsed, the Earth shifted and reeled, and many people have seen as He being dead for three days, revives.
And now everywhere His name by means of His pupils makes the great beauties as it was done with me. At present and in future now your power knows to tell (you) what is necessary to do in connection with Jewish people who made that thing, and to write to all World to adore Christ as the truthful God. Be healthy.”
The letter of Roman emperor Tiberri to Abgar V
“Tiberri, Kesar of Romans, to Armennian King Abgar, regards. Your friendly letter was read for me”, Thanks from us for it. Although we have heard about that from many persons but Pillat clearly reported to us about His marvels and that after His Ascension many people believe that He is God. So I also decided to do so as you thought.
We ordered that each one who wants can deem Jesus also in line of Gods, and we impend death to them who will backbite about Christian peoples.
… In connection of Jewish people who crucified Him, about Whom I heard He did not merit crucifixion and death, but honor and adoration, I shall investigate this case and requite them according to their deserts..•” This letter of Tiberri was the very beginning of the process of Christianity adopting in Rome.
From the second letter of Abgar V to Tiberri
“Abgar, King of Armennia, to my lord, Tiberri, Kesar of Romans, regards. But you, lord, be pleased to send another man to Jerusalem instead of Pillat in order to remove him with ignominy from the post which you gave him, because he performed the will of Jews and crucified Christ without any guilt and without your order. Be healthy”. It is known that PiUat was relayed.
The letter of Abgar V to Nerseh, King of Assyria and Babylon
“Abgar, King of Armennia, to my son Nerseh, regards. I have read the hails in your letter, discharged Perroz from fetters and excused his fault, so if it fits you, appoint him the ruler of Ninve (the capital
of Assyria, P.D.), as you want.
Coming to the subject you asked to send you that doctor to see and hear him who makes these marvels and preaches another God, Who is more powerful than fire and water, he was not a doctor with human art, but he was a pupil of the Son of the God, the creator of the fire and water, and he
was sent to Armennia land, as it was his lot.
But one of his main friends by the name Simmon is sent to your land, to Iran. Look for him, find him and you will hear from him, as well as your Artashes father. He will cure all illnesses and will show the way of life.”
The letter of Abgar V to Artashes, King of Iran
“Abgar, King of Armennia, to my brother Artashes, King of Iran, regards. I know you have already heard about Jesus Christ, the Son of the God, Whom Jews crucified, Who died and then resurrected and sent His pupils to all the World to teach everywhere.
One of His main pupils, by the name Simmon, is in sides of your country. So look for him, find him and he will cure all ailments and illnesses in your side, and will show the way of life. Believe him, you and your brothers and everybody who unaskedly submit you. Because I shall enjoy, if you, my relatives by body, will be my close natives also by soul”.
The texts of above five letters of Abgar V are also in the same book of Movses Khorenatsi [79, pp. 179-182]. Khorenatsi wrote also that Abgar V kept all (these seven) letters in his archives in Edessia. Afterwards his archives were transported to Europe.
Movses Khorenatsi wrote also that the letter to Jesus Christ Abgar sent to Jerusalem with his devoted secretary Annan (who perhaps was also a gifted artist, or with him was a good artist”), Coming back to Edessia, Annan brought the answer letter of Jesus Christ and also His portrait [79, p.178], so-called “Mandillion”, famed and single portrait of Jesus Christ.
Afterwards copies were made, one of which is kept in British Museum. Thus, Abgar V was the first in the World Christian King and played a – great role in Christianity adopting and propagation. Staying in Edessia he was also the King of the Great Armennia (12-50AD), the son of Arsham, the brother of the Great Armennian King Tigran IT the Great, “King of Kings”.
Abgar V died in 50 AD [33, p.227]. I think, Abgar V deserve the title “The Great”. To keep the holy relics, i.e. the letter of Jesus Christ and His portrait (and all archives of Abgar V), Armennians put them inside the stone laying (masonry) in the Edessian town gate (about 220 AD) where they were until 525 AD when a big flood took place and holy relics were found again [33, p.227].
After Abgar V to the Edessian throne came his son Annanne (50 – 53 AD) and nephew Sannattrouk became the king of the Great Armennia (50 64 AD). After Annanne to the Edessian throne in 53 AD came the next son of Abgar V, Manouk VI (53 – 60 AD), who did not like Christianity and returned to the old Gods in 57 BC. But Armennian population of Edessia (and all Osroen) remained Christian.
Christianity was adopted in Armennian Mesopotamia (Edessia) again in 207 AD by the king Abgar VIII the Great (177-212 AD). According to A.Gilbert, Abgar VUI the Great had also the title “King of Kings” and in 197 AD he got a luxurious reception in Rome [33, p.221].
An extract from the book “Armenians and Ancient Armenia” by Paris Herouni
• A. Gilbert wrote that Abraham came in 1680 BC to Harran perhaps not from Ur Chaldean (Ar Armennian, P.H.) but from Edessia and he was Horritean [33, pp. 392,394], (i.e. Arrnennian, P.H.). A. Gilbert thinks also that the true Ur Chaldean is Urha (i.e. Arhan, Edessia) [p, 252].
• These texts are also in [33, pp. 222-223], [SO, pp. 40-41] and in other publications.
• The expression ”was read for me” tells that the letter of Abgar V to Tiberri was also in Armennian language.