The Letter of the Chairman of the KGB of Azerbaijan H. Aliyev on Nationalistic Elements in Karabakh

The Letter of the Chairman of the KGB of AzerbaijanThe more one gets acquainted with the documents from  Yu. G. Barsegov, the more convinced one becomes that Russia has done everything for the historical Armenian lands to first become disputable and then to be transferred to the Turks without the consent of Armenia.

Russia has been doing all this: not the Empire, not the Bolsheviks, not anybody else, but Russia, because the hostile political direction of that state towards Armenia hasn’t changed a bit over the last centuries.

Moreover, judging by certain facts, for example, the continuous supply of armament to Azerbaijan and Turkey by Russia, we can conclude that Russia will continue to carry out its policy. Letters will be sent, orders will be given, events like the Operation Ring massacre, and conflicts like the 2016 April War will be carried out endlessly, unless the Russian presence is driven out from Armenia completely. Only in this case will Armenia be able to turn its direction around and leave the frontline that has been deliberately created by Russia.

To the adherents of Putin: the arguments on the helplessness of Armenia without Russia and that the Turks will wipe out the Armenians no longer have any influence and grounds.

 From the letter of the chairman of KGB of Azerbaijan H. Aliyev to the Central Control Commission of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union on the “nationalistic elements” seeking the exit of the Nagorno-Karabakh Oblast from the Azerbaijani SSR and its annexation to Armenia

April 1969

[Comment: this letter was preceded by another letter from September 30, 1966, written by the Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Part of Armenian SSR A. Kochinyan, in which he argued the expediency of the annexation of Nagorno-Karabakh and Nakhichevan to Armenia. In particular, Kochinyan wrote:

The transfer of Nagorno-Karabakh to Armenia will eliminate the abnormality of the situation: the constantly small Armenian nation within the conditions of the Soviet Union has two statehoods: one Soviet Armenian republic, and an adjacent autonomous national oblast which is a part of another Soviet republic.

Based on the foregoing, … we consider that it is exceedingly necessary to review all questions in regard to the return of Nakhichevan and Nagorno-Karabakh to Armenia.

The attempts of explaining the expediency of the transfer of the aforementioned regions to Armenia has continued for 3 years, during which the KGB of Azerbaijan sent a plethora of secret letters and reports to the Central Committee. In the end, those letters have also been prioritized.]

Manifestations of the national character take place in the Nagorno-Karabakh Autonomous Oblast [NKAO]. Over the last years, nationalistic elements living in this oblast, as well as some citizens of the Armenian SSR make attempts to foment among the population tendencies towards the exit of the oblast from Azerbaijan and its joining to Armenia.

A certain percentage of the youth, including Komsomol members, fall under the influence of nationalistic elements… Nationalistic demonstrations among the youth of NKAO took place in 1968 as well.

Read also: Agreement on the Transfer of Armenian Lands to Turkey Without the Consent of Armenia – 1921

Source of the documents: Нагорный Карабах 2 тома Ю.Г. Барсегов, Documents 711 and 712, pages 657-68

6 thoughts on “The Letter of the Chairman of the KGB of Azerbaijan H. Aliyev on Nationalistic Elements in Karabakh

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